Free Geography Game

Free Geography GameI love discovering excellent free resources online.  The free Geoguessr game has been a hit in our household.  This game utilizes Google Street View images to plop you somewhere in the world.  Your job is to figure out where you are based on the picture.  Once you have an idea, you are to click on the location on the map.  It then shows you the correct location and how many miles or kilometers away you were.  Points are awarded based on how close you were to the correct place.  After 5 pictures, a total score is given.

Geoguessr allows you to focus on a specific country, on the world, or a city.  I prefer pictures from around the world.  I have noticed that because it uses Google Street View, places like North America, Europe, and Australia are probably more represented than other parts of the world.

Choose between single player mode and challenge mode.  Single player mode allows you to play a round of 5 pictures for whatever topic you choose.  Points are accrued and if you have created an account, it will keep track of your previous games.

Challenge mode is fun too.  You decide who you want to challenge and what part of the world you want to cover.  Once you have created a challenge, all you need to do is send the link to whomever you want to challenge.  Then, when you play the game it shows your guesses and your opponents.

Sometimes I’ve found it helpful to click around on the Google street view to get more clues about the location.  It is always exciting to get very close to the destination.

Check out the game at or as an app (option for in-app purchases).  Be careful though, it can be addicting!


3 thoughts on “Free Geography Game

  1. I like mapcrunch, which doesn’t give you points, but you can choose a country, go into “stealth” mode (no clues) and so forth. This was fun, too.

  2. My 11 year old son and I am sitting in an airport in Bangkok heading to Laos and playing Geogessr with enthusiasm and excitement.
    This year we are world schooling my son and this tool is perfect for when we have good wifi.
    It doesn’t feel like learning (in the traditional sense) at all.

    I’d liken it to doing a jigsaw where you are looking for Visual clues then hunting in the box (aka the internet) for the answers.
    We enjoyed ‘Colorful’ very much getting 4/5 within a few metres some with 5000 scores.
    We’ve also had a lot of fun with ‘Famous Places’ where we proudly spotted the clues for Mount Rushmore first time!

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