Homeschool Schedule Organization

Planning is finally completed for this school year.  I’ve tried many different ways to organize for a school year.  Last year I used a Flexible Time Schedule that had me counting the hours for each subject.  Every subject had the assignments listed chronologically and we just went on to the next one when we did the subject again.  This gave us great flexibility to spend lots of time on one subject while we were covering a topic.  While it worked great for most subjects, we tended to not do some of the more tedious things with the frequency they require.  So this year I’ve adapted a little and listed assignments according to the week.  We will complete them in whatever order works best, but we need to finish them before we go on to the next week.

This is the master binder.  It contains all 38 weeks of plans for each child.  While we do a couple subjects together, most subjects are personalized to each child’s level.

Each child’s week is placed in a separate clear pocket.  The weekly schedule printed off to 2-3 pages so I put the last page of the week’s schedule facing out on the back of the pocket.

We use the library heavily for books, DVDs, and CD-ROMs so I made up a list of everything I needed to reserve for each week.  If all works well they would be ready for pick-up within a few days for us to use the following week.  I also went through all our science experiments for physics and wrote down everything we needed so there would be no rushing around the night before trying to find everything.

Inside each pocket I put all the worksheets/print-outs that my child would complete for the week.  We don’t use too many worksheets/workbooks so all of this fits in the pocket.  Here is my younger son’s weekly schedule, the library reserve list, a writing worksheet, chess worksheets, and a logic puzzle.

This one was a bit thicker and it still fit in the sleeve.  I had a big study guide printed off the internet for a book we will go through as well as several different logic worksheets.  I am using a couple different logic books that I am allowed to  photocopy and reuse with all my kids.

While the kids are ready to start school, I’m taking a week of downtime before we dig in.  September 26 is a bit late to start, but when you finish in early August it isn’t too bad.

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