Our Schoolroom This Year

This year we are primarily using two places in our home for our school areas.  Downstairs is the main area.  My oldest also has a desk up in his bedroom where he works part of the school day.  Our area isn’t anything fancy, but it is roomy and comfortable for us.

 Here you see my middle son’s desk and my daughter’s little table.  The couch is a place where we read and do things like math on a whiteboard.  On the far wall are little posters related to our study of the Fruit of the Spirit.  On the left hand wall is a large map of the USA that we are using for our virtual travel around the continent this year.  I also have 3 colored posters on the wall (1 for each child).  These are related to a gamifying element we are adding this year where each child earns badges and has avatars that they need to move across a world map over the school year.  They stick their earned badges and their avatars with the current locations on their poster.

The view looking from the couch to the other side of the room.  I have a desk/table as well as a higher table where I store library books and other books I use everyday.  At the top you will see the flags of the countries we have studied in the past several years.

This is where we store books not currently in use.  The desktop computer is here too.

This is my area.  I store the current school books in the cabinet.  I sit at this table for some subjects and work with my child there.  I have a whiteboard where I write out daily schedule with a chalkboard for my little girl to play with below it.  I also have a wall file where my kids are supposed to turn in their work for me to check.

This is my daughter’s desk.  We sometimes do her bookwork here, but mostly she likes to draw here.  On the wall is a map from the game Take Off.  Each child has to get 8 avatars across the map over the course of the school year.

Since my daughter is only in K4 she still has tons of playtime.  I like to start the school year with organized toys.  My daughter enjoys getting a large toybox or a smaller container out.  To keep things organized, she is only allowed to get a new one out when she returns what she already has out.

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