Read Alouds

Read alouds are books that I read out loud to my children. When I started off homeschooling I used the Sonlight curriculum which has a chunk of time spent reading literature and historical books to your child. I no longer use Sonlight, but I have continued to spend time each school day reading aloud to my kids. I chose a variety of books including literature, history, mission stories, and just books that I believe my kids will enjoy.

So far this school year I have read these books out loud to my kids:

George Mueller: A Father To The Fatherless  This is a story of George Mueller.  George Mueller was a mighty man of God who demonstrated to others how God answers prayers.  It tells the story of his life, his ministry to the orphans in England, and his faith that God keeps His Word.  He never asked anyone for money.  Instead he trusted God to supply all his needs.  I love this book.  I read a book about George Mueller to my kids every school year.

Charlotte’s Web  This is a popular kid’s book that has been made into a movie.  Charlotte’s Web is a story about a pig that grows up on a farm with a spider called Charlotte.  To save the pig from being eaten Charlotte spins webs with special messages about the pig.  After we read this book the boys watched the movie.

Maroo of the Winter Caves  This was a book we read as part of our unit study on pre-history.  It is a story of a girl in a time where people lived in caves and roamed the land for food.  Maroo is a girl who endures hardship.  It covers the harshness of the land, family tragedy, superstitions, and you get a general sense of what life was like living back then.  This book doesn’t give any bias for or against creation.  It simply tells a story of a girl and her family who lived in caves and traveled around for food.

Risking the Forbidden Game: Maude Cary (Trailblazer Books #38) This is the story of a young Muslim boy in Morocco who found Christ due the the ministry of the missionary Maude Cary.   This book was well liked by my boys.

The Hidden Jewel: Amy Carmichael (Trailblazer Books #4)  This is a wonderful story of a young boy who moved from England to India with his family.  He and his mother met Amy Carmichael and became involved in her ministry helping and rescuing children.  I typically read a chapter a day, but this one was very hard to put down.  After we were finished with the book, I caught my son starting to read it himself.

Polycarp Crown Of Fire (Torchbearers)  We are in the process of reading this book now as part of our unit study on Italy.  The writing in this book is not easily understood by younger listeners.  It would probably fit better with teenagers or at least pre-teens.  At times I read the text as written and other times I adapt it so my children will understand it better.  We even had fun acting out a part of the book.  It gives them a glimpse into the early church as they hear about Polycarp’s adventures.

Five True Dog Stories  We are in the process of reading this book now.  This is a short chapter book with a few black and white pictures.  Each chapter tells the story about a different dog.  This book is a hit with my kids.

In addition to these chapter books I have also read picture books and shorter story books.  We aren’t quite halfway through our school year so this list will grow quite a bit before the school year is out.

Laying down on the couch is a comfy place to hear a story!

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