On our first day of school, I attempted to get a picture of all 3 of my kids together. My 1 year old wouldn’t stay still! So my boys ran around chasing her and I did manage to get them all in one picture. Here is what we covered for our 2009-2010 school year.
2nd Grade
Bible: Life of Jesus study using Read and Grow Picture Bible, the Visual Bible series, and the Storykeeper DVD series, memory work, learning to look up texts in the Bible, going to sleep listening to an audio Bible, devotion time, and praise and worship time with instruments
History: Creation unit study, Prehistory unit study, and Noah’s ark.
Geography: Ukraine unit study and Italy unit study
Math: Critical Thinking’s Mathematical Reasoning Grade 2 and start Grade 3, Rainbow Rock
Science: Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method, wildflower nature study, ocean unit study, online astronomy lectures
Language Arts:
Reading and Read Alouds: Read Alouds and reading books like Mr. Popper’s Penguins, Henry Huggins, Farmer Boy, My Father’s Dragon series, A Wrinkle in Time, Prince Caspian, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and Paddle to the Sea
Spelling: Sequential Spelling 1
Handwriting: Italic Book C
Grammar and Writing: Bob Jones English 3, blogging
Vocabulary: Very, Very Vocabulary, Rummy Roots
Typing: Roller Typing
Art: Assorted weekly activities found online
Music: Music Ace Deluxe, trumpet lessons using Play Trumpet Today
Foreign Language:
French: Ecoutez Parlez 1
Mandarin: Rosetta Stone Chinese
Arabic: Alif Baa, Arabic Instant Immersion , Arabic Without Tears Book 1
Koine Greek: Finish Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek Book 1 and start Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek Book 2
PE and Health: Health and Safety unit study, active play twice a day at least 4 days a week, nature walks
Bible: Life of Jesus study using Read and Grow Picture Bible, the Visual Bible series, and the Storykeeper DVD series, memory work, learning to look up texts in the Bible, going to sleep listening to an audio Bible, devotion time, and praise and worship time with instruments
History: Creation unit study, Prehistory unit study, and Noah’s ark.
Geography: Ukraine unit study and Italy unit study
Math: Critical Thinking’s Mathematical Reasoning Grade 1 and start Grade 2, Rainbow Rock, Complete the Picture Math Book 1
Science: Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method, wildflower nature study, ocean unit study, online astronomy lectures
Language Arts:
Reading and Read Alouds: Read Alouds and reading books from Sonlight Grade 1 and 2 readers
Spelling: All About Spelling 1
Phonics: Explode the Code Book 1-3
Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears Kindergarten, Italic Book B
Writing: Write About Me, blogging
Vocabulary: Rummy Roots
Typing: Roller Typing
Art: Assorted weekly activities found online
Music: Music Ace Deluxe, trumpet lessons using Play Trumpet Today
Foreign Language:
French: Ecoutez Parlez 1
Mandarin: Rosetta Stone Chinese
Arabic: Alif Baa, Arabic Instant Immersion , Arabic Without Tears Book 1
Koine Greek: Finish Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek Book 1 and start Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek Book 2
PE and Health: Health and Safety unit study, active play twice a day at least 4 days a week, nature walks