300 Picture Books to Read Aloud in Preschool and Kindergarten

300 Picture BooksWhen my daughter was young, I would grab some picture books off the library shelves to bring home to read aloud to her.  Let’s just say that this method resulted in many duds.  I knew there were tons of great picture books available, so I decided to put in some time to search them out.  I came up with a huge list that I reserved from the library in chunks.

I started reading aloud these picture books when my daughter was 4 and we finished it during her Kindergarten year.  I typically read aloud to her as part of our bedtime routine.  I looked through Sonlight, Winter Promise, Five in a Row, livingmath.net, my own stash, and Caldecott books to compile a list.  I’ve included books in the categories of literature, rhyming books (lots of Dr. Seuss), history, geography, science, faith, and math.   Some would fit in more than one category, but I just put them in the one where I thought they fit best.  If you click on the link, it will take you to Amazon where you can either find the isbn number to reserve the book at your library or purchase the book.

I’m listing the books according to the categories, but I read aloud from a mixture of categories during one week.  Sometimes my daughter wanted me to read the same book over and over again so we didn’t progress on this list as quickly.  But rereading books is a good thing, so we just went through this list at my daughter’s pace.


Rhyming books

History and Geography




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