Bible – Science and the Bible
Art of Problem Solving Prealgebra
Zome Advanced Math Creator 4with Zome Geometry
Finish Physical, Earth, and Space Science: An Integrated Approach
Geography –
Complete Middle Eastern unit study (covering Iran, Israel, and Saudi Arabia)
Start Human Geography by Norton
History – Medieval time period – Documentary based study
Language Arts
Classical Writing Aesop and Homer for Older Beginners
Harvey’s Elementary Grammar
NaNoWriMo in November
Windows to the World: An Introduction to Literary Analysis
Excellence in Literature
guides to different books
- Reading: The Time Machine, Tarzan of the Apes, The War of the Worlds, Favorite Poems Old and New, A Child’s Garden of Verses, 101 Great American Poems, Stories from Shakespeare by McCaughrean, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, Gulliver’s Travels, Kidnapped, The Count of Monte Cristo
Arabic for Life
Arabian Sinbad
New Practical Chinese Reader Vol. 1
Lots of Mandarin DVDs from the library
Ancient Greek
Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book I
Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament: with Dictionary
Contacts by Valette
DVDs of French children’s shows from the library
Music – Mel Bay Modern Guitar Method Grade 1
Art – A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels
Finish Orbiting With Logic
Finish Philosophy for Kids
Start The Examined Life: Advanced Philosophy for Kids
Finish MindWare Grid Perplexors: Level C
Start MindWare Grid Perplexors: Level D
Computer Skills –
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing– finished when typing an average of 40 wpm
The War is Over Study Guide with discussion
Bible reading
Finish Singapore 5 (Standards Edition)
Challenging Word Problems 5
Master math facts
Math Express Speed Maths Strategies
Zome Advanced Math Creator 4with Zome Geometry
MaKey MaKey Original Invention Kit projects
Living books, activities, and investigations that align with brother’s Physical, Earth, and Space Science: An Integrated Approach
Snap Circuits with Student Guide
Geography –
Middle Eastern unit study (covering Iran, Israel, and Saudi Arabia)
History – Medieval time period – Documentary based study
Language Arts
Classical Writing Aesop
Rod and Staff English 4
Visualizing and Verbalizing 4
AVKO Individualized Spelling
Excavating English
Handwriting with StartWrite Handwriting Software
NaNoWriMo in November
Practiced visualizing grade-level chapter books.
Alif Baa
Arabian Sinbad
New Practical Chinese Reader Vol. 1
Lots of Mandarin DVDs from the library
Ancient Greek
Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book I
Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament: with Dictionary
DVDs of French children’s shows from the library
Music – Mel Bay Modern Guitar Method Grade 1
Art – A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels
Finish Logic Countdown
Logic Liftoff
Finish MindWare Grid Perplexors: Level B
Start MindWare Grid Perplexors: Level C
Building Thinking Skills® Level 3 Figural
Computer Skills –
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
Draw to Learn the Life of Jesus
Bible story book at bedtime
The Kids’s Bible on CD Dramatized CEV New Testament – Audio Bible on CD
Singapore 1 A (Standards Edition)
ACTIVE Primary Mathematics in Rainbow Rock
Cuisenaire rods using Education Unboxed videos
Zome Advanced Math Creator 4play
Real Science-4-Kids Chemistry pre-Level I
Somebody Board Game
Learning Resources Primary Science Magnet Kit
Geography –
Middle Eastern Unit Study (covering Iran, Israel, and Saudi Arabia)
Cultures Around the World Study
Creation Unit Study
Prehistory Unit Study
Language Arts
Explode the Code 2-3
Steck Vaughn Phonics A
Write About Me
Handwriting with StartWrite Handwriting Software
Literature Read Alouds
Finish picture book list
Chapter book list: Fairy Tales, Raggedy Ann in the Deep Deep Woods, Beatrix Potter the Complete Tales, The Real Mother Goose, A Bear Called Paddington, Paddington Abroad
Arabiah app
Youtube alphabet song
Arabian Sinbad
My First Chinese Words (Set of 36 Books and CD)
Lots of Mandarin DVDs from the library
iPad apps
Ancient Greek
Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! – Level One
DVDs of French children’s shows from the library
Land of Music
A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels
Maze and dot to dot books
Could you tell me what Curriculum you did with your youngest one when she was 4 and 5 years old?Esp. Language Arts ,Maths and Science?Thanks……
This is what I had planned: But we didn’t do many of the things on the list 🙂 I didn’t require any formal work until age 5. We mostly did some reading, some math, some phonics, read alouds, Holidays and Seasons unit study, Bible stories, and foreign language exposure through videos.
I would like to ask that does your elder one watch AOPS Pre algebra videos on the site and does it help him in understanding and doing exercises in the book?
Yes, he watches the videos after the problems and before the exercises. It is his favorite part of AOPS and it does help aid his understanding.
Finally I can see the whole system. Thank you for introducing me to Loop Schedule!
God Bless you for putting up all this information. I am starting to homeschool my children and your blog is an excellent resource
Oooo, I love your blog header with the photo of all those books! Thanks for sharing on the NOT Back-to-School Blog Hop.
Great books listed in your literature lists. Have a wonderul year.
Blessings, Dawn
Wow each child has a full plate this year. Can’t wait to hear how it turns out.