4th Grade Bible Studies

I’m starting my 4th grader on Bible studies this school year.  Up until now we have spent most of our Bible time learning Bible stories, memorizing verses, discussing, learning about the gospel, understanding the importance of missions, and looking at different aspects of God.  This year we are venturing into an in depth study.  There is that word again – depth.  My kid likes depth.  I’m a bit picky about what we use for Bible.  Grace-centered teaching is important and almost every resource or curriculum aimed at kids seems to teach “do good – get good, do bad – get bad” or they focus on behavioral change from the outside rather than on the relationship with Jesus Christ being the catalyst for the change in behavior.  So I’ve been pretty much putting together our Bible curriculum all along, but this year I purchased a full-blown Bible study for my oldest.

The curriculum I purchased wasn’t designed for kids.  I have yet to find one that teaches the same ideas to kids.  While it isn’t designed for kids, it is in a format that will suit my son.  It is a workbook that we will go through together.  It requires you to look up verses, answer questions, and discuss the issues.  We will go slowly and steadily through the book this school year.  It will probably take us two years to finish.
Here is a description of  The War is Over study we plan to do.  I’m quoting from the publisher’s site:

The longest conflict in history lasted 4000 years and ended in a decisive victory nearly 2000 years ago. Still, many have not yet heard the news and they continue to fight the battle-the battle of sin and judgment.

On the cross Jesus said “It is finished,” victory was declared, and reconciliation began. It was the victory promised when Jesus was born and the angels declared, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). Is this saying Jesus came to create peace among men? If it is, then He has most certainly failed.

The peace he spoke of was not among men, but between God and man. Sin is no longer the issue; the price has been paid once and for all. God sent His only Son to bear our sin, becoming sin itself, and then judged Him without mercy for that sin. Was His sacrifice enough for you? Is God withholding His blessing because of your sin? If you die with an unconfessed sin, would you be lost? The answers in this book will release you from the condemnation of judgment and fear. It will free you to receive the promised blessings of God!

In addition to using this study guide my son will join with my younger son in listening to Bible stories from Adventures in Odyssey and memorizing Bible verses.  They will be learning several smaller verses, reviewing the books of the Bible, learning the Lord’s Prayer, and continuing to memorize an 8 minute presentation of the Gospel.  He will also have independent Bible reading/mediation time where he will be reading the book of Acts (my son’s favorite), Galatians, and Colossians.

At night they usually go to sleep listening to a dramatized reading of the Bible.  They have two different New Testament sets.  This year I am adding the Old Testament.  I purchased a set of 60 CDs from ChristianBook for only $30.  They will be very excited.

938576: The Bible Experience--TNIV Old Testament on 60 CDs With Carrying Case The Bible Experience–TNIV Old Testament on 60 CDs With Carrying Case

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