6th grade is almost here. Since we school year round and start our new school year in July, I just finalized a list of materials that I plan to use for my 11 year old. We have an eclectic wide and deep approach to homeschooling.
This is my second time having a 6th grader, but each child is unique! So the plans my older child had in 6th grade don’t match my second child’s plans. My rising 6th grader is a visual-spatial learner who is strong in math, computers, and art.
Earlier this month I sat down with my 11 year old to discuss how this school year went. I asked him what he liked, what he didn’t, and what he wanted to learn next year. We went over each subject together and discussed possible plans. This is the plan we came up with:
- Art of Problem Solving Pre-Algebra (finish)
- Numberphile and Vi Hart videos
- CPO Physical, Earth and Space Science (first half with lots of videos added)
- Junkbox Wars and Project-Based Engineering
- Documentary-based modern world history using this as a spine: Modern World History Patterns of Interaction
- Geography – Central and South America unit studies
- Geography – Geoguesser, Google Earth exploration and worksheets, Maps, Charts, and Graphs H, Apps to learn the locations of all countries, capitals, US states and Canadian provinces (with their capitals), bodies of water, major rivers and landforms around the globe
- Classical Writing Aesop B (finish)
- Classical Writing Aesop/Homer for Older Beginners (Homer section only)
- Megawords – Book 2-4
- Handwriting – Start Write Software
- Red Hot Root Words Book 1 (finish) and Book 2
- Vocabulary Cartoons
- Reading Detective B1
Foreign Language
- Human Japanese app
- Dr. Moku’s Japanese apps
- Genki 1: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese
- Irasshai videos
Fine Arts
- Piano
- Wood carving with The Little Book of Whittling
- Learn to Paint in Acrylics with 50 Small Paintings
- Cooking competitions
Logic and Philosophy
- Orbiting with Logic
- MindWare Grid Perplexors: Level C (finish) and start Grid Perplexors: Level D
- Philosophy for Kids
- Mavis Beacon Typing
- Blender
- Python
- Blogging
- One Year Devotions for Boys
- Names of God study
- Group Bible study with Literary Study Bible – John and Acts
- At least 45 minutes per day exercise
Thank you so much. Out of all the blogs I follow, this has to be the best curriculum list for our family. I have scoured through your recommendations and found a ton for us to use!