Art with Chalk Pastels

Art with Chalk PastelsWe had an exciting start to art this school year using our new chalk pastels.  This was a brand new medium for all of us.  I discovered an e-book earlier this year that provided guidance on how to make different pictures with chalk pastels. It looked like it would be a good fit, so I purchased it.   A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels has pictures and instructions that teach you how to make over 40 different pictures.

For our first picture, we did a beach scene.  Prior to completing the beach scene we watched one of the two videos that came with the e-book.  I should say that we watched part of the video on drawing a bluebird.  It wasn’t too exciting and it was difficult to see what the instructor was doing.  My kids wanted to get started with their picture too so I stopped the video and we started our beach scene.  Shortly after we  finished with the chalk pastels, my daughter went downstairs and drew me a lovely bluebird so the video must have made an impact on her.

I had set aside an hour for art, but it ended up taking only about 20 minutes to do one picture.  Next time we will do at least two pictures in our art time.


Blending the colors with his fist.




She was quite proud of her work.

This e-book is a great fit for all 3 of my kids.   My Kindergartner and my 6th grader were able to work on the same project with satisfying results.

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