8th Grade Plans

8th Grade PlansWow, 8th grade is almost here.  This school year marks our 9th year homeschooling.  It seems like yesterday that my boy was a little Kindergartner who was thrilled to start homeschooling.   While it is exciting to watch my children learn, grow, and change, I’m thankful that we have several more years of homeschooling ahead.

My rising 8th grader has always loved science and over the past year the unthinkable has happened.  He has developed a love for math.  I can’t tell you how many years that math was at the bottom of his list.  A combination of maturity, Art of Problem Solving, and Numberphile videos seems to have changed his perspective.

Because my son desires to go into a STEM field in the future, he is branching out into math and science competitions.  There are several math competitions as well as a computer programming challenge available and he chose a couple of them to do this next year.  He will also enter the local science fair.

Here are our plans:








Foreign Language



Fine Arts

Logic and Philosophy




  • At least 45 minutes per day exercise


2 thoughts on “8th Grade Plans

  1. Just wondering if you have your 2016-2017 plans posted somewhere? Your posts about your curriculum plans are my favourite! I always find something useful. Thanks in advance!

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