We have now embarked on our 8th year of homeschooling. I take a wide and deep eclectic approach to education which works very well for my gifted learners. Our homeschool is globally-focused so we spend a chunk of time learning about the world, different cultures, and study some of the major languages of the world.
7th Grade
My 7th grader is a diligent learner who enjoys the process of learning. He is strong on the language arts front and has a high interest in science. He currently has plans for a future in a STEM field.
Math: Finish Art of Problem Solving Pre-Algebra, Start Art of Problem Solving Introduction to Algebra, Zome Advanced Math Creator 4 with Zome Geometry
Science: Miller Levine Biology Macaw iPad edition with labs, independent biology research with an accompanying science research paper and possible entry into a local science fair and Hewitt Conceptual Physics course, Engineering Everywhere units with brother.
History: Documentary-focused early modern world history study with McDougal Little Modern World History book and the People’s History of the United States
Geography: Africa (countries and culture) unit study, Material World, apps to learn the locations of all countries, capitals, US states and Canadian provinces (with their capitals), bodies of water, major rivers and landforms around the globe
Current Events: Democracy Now broadcasts, Aljazerra English for reading the news
Language Arts: Finish Classical Writing Aesop-Homer for Older Beginners, speech, Vocabulary Energizers, Abraham Lincoln’s Introduction to Handwriting and Calligraphy, Classical Writing Poetry for Older Beginners, Rod and Staff English 7 (grammar only), Classical Writing Diogenes Maxim, Movies as Literature, Excellence in Literature as a literature guide only.
Reading: Autobiography by Ben Franklin, Poor Richard, Julius Caesar by Shakespeare and Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare, short stories, Robinson Crusoe, Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Around the World in 80 Days, Prince and the Pauper, Little Women, Last of the Mohicans, Call of the Wild, Great Expectations, Pilgrims Progress, The Man in the Iron Mask
Arabic: Arabic for Life, Arabian Sinbad DVDs, Mango app
Mandarin: Basic Spoken Chinese, Basic Spoken Chinese Practice Essentials, Basic Written Chinese, Basic Written Chinese Practice Essentials, Mango app
Ancient Greek: Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book I, Koine Greek Mango app
French: Contacts by Valette, Mango app
PE: Running, Swimming, Nutrition and Fitness study
Fine Arts: Hoffman Academy video piano lessons, Music Ace Deluxe, The Phonics of Drawing
Bible: Read through Bible (1/2 way this year), Evidence for Christianity Study, The Holy Spirit and His Gifts, OT types and shadows study
Logic: The Examined Life: Advanced Philosophy for Kids, Perplexors, Traditional Logic I, Plato’s Republic
Computer: Beginning Java
5th Grade
My 5th grader is a visual-spatial learner who shines when encountering creative problem solving. He has dreams of a future in a STEM field. As a result, I’ve incorporated lots of creative problem solving into his science studies and I’m using a strong math curriculum.
Math: Art of Problem Solving Prealgebra, Zome Advanced Math Creator 4
with Zome Geometry
, Life of Fred Fractions, Murderous Maths
Science: Microbiology Unit Study, Engineering Everywhere units – Ice Cream, Urban Landscapes, Insulated Homes (with older brother), Engineering Adventures units – Flying Technologies, Rockets and Rovers, Bubble Wands, Aid Drop Packages, Earthquakes, Recycled Racers, Invasive Species (with younger sister)
Computer: Typing Web– until 40 words a minute, Blender
History: Documentary-focused early modern world history with McDougal Little Modern World History book and the A People’s History of American Empire by Zinn. Independent Minecraft projects.
Geography: Africa (countries and culture) unit study.
Language Arts: Finish Classical Writing Aesop A, Classical Writing Aesop B, Finish Rod and Staff English 4, Start Rod and Staff English 6 (grammar only), Movies as Literature, Megawords 1-2, Evan-Moore Daily Handwriting Practice Modern Manuscript, Evan-Moore Daily Handwriting Practice Modern Cursive, Mindsnaps Vocab app
Reading with an emphasis on visualization: Trumpet of the Swan, Old Yeller, Phantom Tollbooth, Tuck Everlasting, Anne of Green Gables, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Cheaper by the Dozen, Wizard of Oz, I Am David
Arabic: More practice reading Arabic and then start Arabic for Life, Arabian Sinbad DVDs, Mango app
Japanese: Human Japanese app with me, Mirai Japanese app independently, Mango app
Greek: Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book I, Koine Greek Mango app
French: Resources to learn how to read and pronounce French
PE: Running, Swimming, Nutrition and Fitness study
Fine Arts: Hoffman Academy video piano lessons, Music Ace Deluxe, The Phonics of Drawing
Bible: Evidence for Christianity Study, The Holy Spirit and His Gifts, OT types and shadows study
Logic: Finish Logic Liftoff, Orbiting with Logic, MindWare Grid Perplexors: Level C, Philosophy for Kids
, Finish Building Thinking Skills® Level 3 Figural
1st Grade
My 1st grader is a highly-creative learner who loves learning. She will often take longer to accomplish a task because she takes creative detours that makes the task more interesting to her. Right now, she loves science and has really enjoyed her recent history studies. I’m excited to see where this year takes her.
Math: Singapore 1B and 2A, Zome Advanced Math Creator 4 play, living books and videos
Science: Engineering Adventures units with brother, Magic School Bus unit study
Geography: World poverty unit study, Africa (countries and cultures) unit study
History: Story of the World 1 audio with activity book with video additions (first 17 chapters only)
Language Arts: Finish Steck-Vaughn Phonics A, Steck-Vaughn Phonics B, Finish Write About Me, Write About My World, maybe start Just Write 1, Handwriting with StartWrite Handwriting Software
, Mad Libs, Finish All About Spelling Level 1, Rod and Staff Spelling 2, Reading
Read Alouds – Paddington Abroad, Winnie the Pooh, Pippi Longstocking, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle’s Farm, Hello Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, Capyboppy, Trumpet of the Swan, Stuart Little, Little House in the Big Woods, Little House on the Prairie, James Harriot’s Treasury for Children, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, Mr. Popper’s Penguins, Peter Pan, The Reluctant Dragon, American Tall Tales, Now we are Six, Heidi, Runny Babbit, James and the Giant Peach, Just So Stories, The Jungle Book, Lassie Come Home (This list should last us more than a year).
Greek: Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! – Level One (finish) and Song School Greek
Arabic: Arabian Sinbad, Arabic Arabiah app and start Alif Baa
Mandarin: My First Chinese Words and My First Chinese Reader and DVDs
Bible: NT audio Bible going to sleep at night, God’s Love for You Bible Story Book (read aloud), The Beginner’s Bible (reader), Participate in Evidence for Christianity Study, The Holy Spirit and His Gifts, OT types and shadows study with brothers
Logic: Dot to dot and maze books
PE: Swimming, Nutrition and Fitness study
Fine Arts: Hoffman Academy video piano lessons, Music Ace Deluxe, The Phonics of Drawing
Wow! What an amazing resource you’ve created! I’m curious as to what your 2015-16 curriculum choices are.
Very impressive and giving me lots of ideas for 7th grade next year. Can you tell me if Arabic for life is classical Arabic (fusha) or modern Arabic? Thank you
Arabic for Life teaches Modern Standard Arabic. HTH 🙂
Wow! You guys learn a lot of languages! My 6th grader recently began learning German with a combination of Mango Languages(free through our library) and Duolingo. She really enjoys Duolingo especially Duo the owl.
My son likes DuoLingo too 🙂 I wish they had it for more languages.
great list of 1st grade read alouds, thanks!!
I’m happy you found it helpful. 🙂
Great plan, Amy! How have you like Classical Writing? We’re starting that this year.
I like what my kids are learning with Classical Writing. It has been good for both of my kids. It does have a bit of a learning curve and it is time-consuming, but it is worth it, imho.
I like the look of those Engineering Everywhere units and videos attached to the physics course. I am homeschooling three kids also in grade 7, 5 and K/grade 1 out west in BC. My oldest has been learning Mandarin since grade 5.
Awesome! I’ll be bookmarking your blog for a read 🙂