Homeschooling on Your Own Terms

Homeschooling on Your Own Terms

When it comes to homeschooling there is no magic method.  Your children are unique and your family is unlike any other family.  So you won’t find some special method or approach that is best.

You need to find a way to make homeschooling work for you.

Put away any preconceived ideas as to what homeschooling should look like, and step into the day-to-day of homeschooling and adapt it to work for your family.

Maybe you like desks with educational items up on your walls.  Or maybe it works better for you to learn all over the place.  Try out different things and see what works best.  We have done many different things and tend to go through phases where we are at desks and phases where we are all over the place.  Whatever works, right?

Schooling doesn’t have to start after breakfast.  It can start after lunch or in the evening.  Family schedules can vary.  Make it work for you.

Do you love being on the go all the time or do you prefer to be home quite a bit?  There is no one right way.  Find your own groove…your own balance.

Working while homeschooling can require greater flexibility, but this is where you can make homeschooling work for you.  Whether you need to have your child do more work independently, spend more time schooling on weekends, outsource to community or online classes, or be sticky with your schedule, you have options.  Create something that works for you.

If something isn’t working, change it.  Homeschooling flow can take some time to achieve and once you get there you will find periods where you need to create a new flow.

Homeschooling is an outside-the-box approach to education.  Don’t start thinking that there is one set way to do this.  There isn’t.  Stay outside-the-box and design something that works for you.

5 thoughts on “Homeschooling on Your Own Terms

  1. Homeschooling is truly a lifestyle. When you let a child into your heart, you will begin to teach the child about the things they need to learn.
    Homeschooling can offer lesson plans and activities for kids that can bring purpose to your needs and preference. Some people offer homeschooling as a way to keep their child busy during the day, some as prep for their child to enter a “regular” school system, for others it can be the very foundation of the beginning of a lifelong educational experience.

  2. The quest for finding the perfect writing homeschool curriculum requires a great deal of research to determine the best one for you and your kids. Great share, thank you

  3. Well said! We’ve homeschooled all around the box and way outside it since we started 6 years ago. Mostly outside, actually. 😀 I don’t think we’ve ever stuck with one way of doing things for long – my kids change too quickly for that! But it’s always fun, and my kids are learning, so I think we’re doing okay.

  4. Very true! Homeschool is such a good fit for kids like mine who don’t fit in the “box” of traditional school. I think that makes it intimidating to a lot of people though, since you have to strike out into the unknown.

  5. “If something isn’t working, change it.”

    So true, in parenting and homeschooling. I think that was the hardest thing for me when I became a mom and then when I started teaching my kids at home. I like consistency. The life I’ve chosen is anything but!

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