Tarbuck Earth Science Video Supplements


Tarbuck Earth Science

My 8th grader will be covering some Earth Science this school year with the help of Edward Tarbuck.  Since he will not likely encounter Earth Science again in his formal education, I wanted him to cover it thoroughly.  Tarbuck’s book fits the bill.  The book I chose is a college-level text that is designed for undergraduate non-science majors.  It has plenty of colorful pictures and diagrams to explain the concepts.  I went with an older edition because the new ones are priced over $100.  The 11th edition by Edward Tarbuck and Frederick Lutgens can be found for bargain prices if you go for a used copy.

This is pretty much an independent course of study for my son.  He will refer to this page to see what to do next.  Once the chapter is read, he and his younger brother will watch the videos.  In the middle of each school day, my boys watch some kind of educational video together while I work.  My 6th grader is going to be going through this list for his science and they also have a history documentary list to watch.  While this Earth Science list is based around my 8th grader’s readings, my 6th grader will watch and gain more exposure to the topics so he will be more familiar with them when he goes through the book in a couple years.  My 2nd grader will likely join in on anything she finds interesting.

Chapter 1:  Introduction to Earth Science pg 1-28tarbuck book

Chapter 2:  Minerals:  Building Blocks of Rocks pg 29-50

Chapter 3:  Rocks:  Materials of the Solid Earth pg 51-82

Chapter 4:  Weathering, Soil, and Mass Wasting pg 83-113

Chapter 5:  Running Water and Groundwater pg 114-152

Chapter 6:  Glaciers, Deserts, and Wind pg 153-186

Chapter 7:  Earthquakes and Earth’s Interior pg 187-214

Chapter 8:  Plate Tectonics:  A Scientific Theory Unfolds pg 215-248

Chapter 9:  Volcanoes and Other Igneous Activity pg 249-282

Chapter 10:  Mountain Building pg 283-308

Chapter 11:  Geologic Time pg 309-334

Chapter 12:  Earth’s History:  A Brief Summary pg 335-358

Chapter 13:  The Ocean Floor pg 359-382

Chapter 14:  Ocean Water and Ocean Life pg 383-401

Chapter 15:  The Dynamic Ocean pg 402-434

Chapter 16:  The Atmosphere:  Composition, Structure, and Temperature pg 435-464

Chapter 17:  Moisture, Clouds, and Precipitation pg 465-500

Chapter 18:  Air Pressure and Wind pg 501-526

Chapter 19:  Weather Patterns and Severe Storms pg 527-558

Chapter 20:  Climate pg 559-584

Chapter 21-24 will only be completed if time allows.

Chapter 21:  Origin of Modern Astronomy pg 585-610

Chapter 22: Touring Our Solar System pg 611-638

Chapter 23:  Light, Astronomical Observations, and the Sun pg 639-658

Chapter 24:  Beyond Our Solar System pg 659-682




One thought on “Tarbuck Earth Science Video Supplements

  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this online. There are not a lot of resources out there for middle and high school home school that provides so much detail. I know it is time consuming, but again, thank you for this!

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