As we delve into ancient Egypt it has been fun to do a few products here and there. We aren’t having any focused art time this school year, but we are doing several projects that go along with our history or geography studies. As we wind up our time in ancient Egypt it was time to do a project that lasted several days. We used the craft activity from Arts and Crafts of Ancient Egypt.
The first day we did the paper mache activity where I was supposed to tie up a longish balloon into a mummish shape. Well, it would have helped if I had purchased the right shape of balloons. After struggling with the oval shape balloons for about 20 minutes I gave up on the balloon idea and we decided to use crumbled up newspaper covered in plastic wrap as our sarcophagus base. It worked! The boys then spend some messy time putting wet and smushy strips all over their base.
A few days later it was dry and time to paint. They painted most of it that day, but saved the detail for another day when the paint was fully dry. On the last day they spent about 20 minutes finishing their sarcophagus.
Of course, the little girl decided she wanted to paint too. She had fun with watercolors while they painted their creations.
Here is the finished product.
So I guess now they need to make a mummy to put in the sarcophagus.