My son enjoys baking so we have incorporated some baking projects into his microbiology unit study. For this one he made a plant cell model out of cake and candy. A little while ago he made an animal cell model out of cake too. To start with he looked over the parts of the cell and made a shopping list of the types of candy he would need to represent the different parts of the cell. We have a bulk food store nearby that has tons of candy. You scoop out what you need for each candy so we can get a wide variety of candy for a not so big price.
He decided to make chocolate cake this time – with a cake mix, of course.
I frosted the cake for him in his choice of colors. He wanted one main color and a darker shade on the sides. Then he started to decorate it with the chosen candy pieces.
The finished product! The large blue object is a vacuole. It is made out of cake pop dough dipped in chocolate. The nucleus consists of a marshmallow nucleolus surrounded by cake pop dough (nucleus) with the nuclear membrane made from red chocolate melts.
Next up in our microbiology unit study is a look at the immune system and cells in the human body where he will be figuring out how to make an edible osteocyte.