I highly recommend this app as a hands-on way to either reinforce or introduce handwriting skills for preschoolers or Kindergarteners.
Fun Writing Practice for Early Elementary
When my older two children were in first and third grade I decided to use a journal for communication. Instead of giving them journal assignments or a journal to just write their thoughts, their journals were a communication between my child and I.
Mirror Writing
Have your kids done mirror writing? Two of mine have.
Kindergarten Writing Sample
Below you will see pictures of his work in the Write About Me book. I wrote the interpretation of his writing below each picture. I do use a whole language method for writing at my son’s age. I typically don’t correct his grammar or spelling or punctuation. If he asks me how to spell a word I usually tell him to try and sound it out. Sometimes I can read what he writes, but I usually have him read it to me so I know for sure what he wrote.
Copywork as Handwriting
When I first heard of copywork I wondered why anyone would use it. It seemed […]
My Reluctant Writer
My 6 year old took off with reading last school year and now he can […]