We have done many different schedules through the years, but one of our favorites is a simple one that my kids have all enjoyed.
Flexible Time Schedule
To use the flexible time schedule, I decided what subjects we were going to cover for the school year and counted the number of expected school days and the number of hours we would spend on schooling each day.
A Loop Schedule in a Jar
We are constantly doing a schedule dance around here. We need organization and novelty […]
Empty Hours
I was recently at a dentist appointment with my daughter when schools were about to […]
Loop Scheduling
Loop scheduling has become a mainstay in our homeschool. To keep things fresh and interesting, […]
Block Scheduling in the Homeschool
We like novelty around here so I often switch up how our days are organized. […]
Fitting in the Extras
There are so many great ideas out there, but a limited amount of time to […]
Organizing Multiple Resources in an Eclectic Homeschool
As eclectic homeschoolers we have been known to use bits of this and pieces […]
Mini Loop Schedule for Homeschooling
After playing around with the organization of our school day for the first several weeks […]
3 Ways We Combine Novelty and Structure in Homeschooling
My kids need novelty. I need novelty. Doing the same thing every school day would […]