How Unique is Your Homeschooling Approach?

How Unique is Your Homeschooling ApproachThe revised What Kind of Homeschooler Are You? quiz has been taken over 30,000 times since April.   Homeschooling is diverse.  I think if I compiled all 30,000 of these quizzes, there would be 30,000 different results.  Recently, I decided to take a closer look at some of the quizzes that were completed.

With 30,000 quizzes entered, there was no way I was going to be able to go through all of them to compile some data to see what the data revealed about some of the more common homeschooling approaches.  So I took a sampling of 300 quizzes.  I chose three different dates and times and looked at 100 consecutive quizzes for each time period.  There were some instances where a button may have been pushed multiple times and revealed duplicate results.  In those cases, I skipped over any duplicates that I noticed.

For each quiz, I looked over the results and tallied the major philosophy or philosophies.  Some were extremely obvious and others required more careful consideration.  Some had one major philosophy, some had two main ones, and others had multiple philosophies that were stronger than others.

Although everyone was eclectic to a degree, there were some philosophies that were represented more than others.

Want to take the quiz?  You can find it here.  If you are interested in learning more about the different educational philosophies, please check out this post.


Here are the results.  I have some data listed in several parts to make it easier to find the percentage.  Just go to any section that represents one of your major philosophies and you can find the percentage.


Unschooling obviously strongest 3% of quiz takers

Unschooling and Unit Studies strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Unschooling and Charlotte Mason strongest – 4% of quiz takers
Unschooling and Montessori strongest – 8% of quiz takers
Unschooling and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Unschooling and Waldorf  strongest – 1 % of quiz takers
Unschooling and Classical strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers

Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, and Waldorf strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, and Unit Studies strongest – 3% of quiz takers
Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, and Montessori strongest – 6% of quiz takers
Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Unschooling, Classical, and Unit Studies strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Unschooling, Classical, and Waldorf strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Unschooling, Classical, and Montessori strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Unschooling, Montessori, and Unit Studies strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Unschooling, Montessori, and Thomas Jefferson strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Unschooling, Montessori, and Waldorf strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Unschooling, Unit Studies, and Thomas Jefferson Education – 1% of quiz takers

In general:

If I combine these results into something that shows the commonality of these different approaches, we have:

Any Unschooling as a major part of their philosophy – 37% of quiz takers
Any Unschooling and Unit Studies as a major part of their philosophy – 9% of quiz takers
Any Unschooling and Charlotte Mason as a major part of their philosophy – 15% of quiz takers
Any Unschooling and Montessori as a major part of their philosophy – 19% of quiz takers
Any Unschooling and Thomas Jefferson Education as a major part of their philosophy – 5% of quiz takers
Any Unschooling and Waldorf as a major part of their philosophy – 2% of quiz takers
Any Unschooling and Classical as a major part of their philosophy – 2% of quiz takers


Charlotte Mason

Charlotte Mason obviously strongest – 10% of quiz takers

Charlotte Mason and Unit Studies strongest – 4% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason and Montessori strongest – 11% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason and Unschooling strongest – 4% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason and Traditional strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason and Waldorf strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason and Classical strongest – 1% of quiz takers

Charlotte Mason and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Waldorf, and Unit Studies strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, and Unit Studies strongest – 3% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, and Montessori strongest – 6% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, and Waldorf strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Montessori, and Unit Studies strongest – 3% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Montessori, and Classical strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Montessori, and Waldorf strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Montessori, and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Montessori, and Traditional strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Classical, and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Classical, and Unit Studies strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Charlotte Mason, Unit Studies, and Thomas Jefferson Education – less than 1% of quiz takers

In general:

If I combine these results into something that shows the commonality of these different approaches, we have:

Any Charlotte Mason as a major part of their overall philosophy – 53% of quiz takers
Any Charlotte Mason and Unit Studies as a major part of their overall philosophy – 12% of quiz takers
Any Charlotte Mason and Montessori as a major part of their overall philosophy – 25% of quiz takers
Any Charlotte Mason and Unschooling as a major part of their overall philosophy – 15% of quiz takers
Any Charlotte Mason and Traditional as a major part of their overall philosophy – 1% of quiz takers
Any Charlotte Mason and Waldorf as a major part of their overall philosophy – 2% of quiz takers
Any Charlotte Mason and Classical as a major part of their overall philosophy – 4% of quiz takers
Any Charlotte Mason and Thomas Jefferson Education as a major part of their overall philosophy – 4% of quiz takers


Montessori obviously strongest – 5% of quiz takers

Montessori and Charlotte Mason strongest – 11% of quiz takers
Montessori and Classical strongest – 4% of quiz takers
Montessori and Unschooling strongest – 8% of quiz takers
Montessori and Unit Studies strongest – 3% of quiz takers
Montessori and Waldorf strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Montessori and Traditional strongest – 1% of quiz takers

Montessori, Unschooling, and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Montessori, Unschooling, and Waldorf strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Montessori, Unschooling, and Charlotte Mason strongest – 6% of quiz takers
Montessori, Unschooling, and Classical strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Montessori, Unschooling, and Unit Studies strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Montessori, Unschooling, and Classical strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Montessori, Unschooling, and Unit Studies strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Montessori, Waldorf, and Unit Studies strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Montessori, Waldorf, and Classical strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Montessori, Waldorf, and Charlotte Mason strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Montessori, Unit Studies, and Classical strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Montessori, Unit Studies, and Charlotte Mason strongest – 3% of quiz takers
Montessori, Classical, and Charlotte Mason strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Montessori, Thomas Jefferson Education, and Charlotte Mason strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Montessori, Traditional, and Charlotte Mason strongest – 1% of quiz takers

In general:

If I combine these results into something that shows the commonality of these different approaches, we have:

Any Montessori as a major part of their overall philosophy – 53% of quiz takers
Any Montessori and Charlotte Mason as a major part of their overall philosophy – 25% of quiz takers
Any Montessori and Classical as a major part of their overall philosophy – 8% of quiz takers
Any Montessori and Unschooling as a major part of their overall philosophy – 19% of quiz takers
Any Montessori and Unit Studies as a major part of their overall philosophy – 11% of quiz takers
Any Montessori and Waldorf as a major part of their overall philosophy – 2% of quiz takers
Any Montessori and Traditional as a major part of their overall philosophy – 2% of quiz takers
Any Montessori and Thomas Jefferson Education as a major part of their overall philosophy – 3% of quiz takers


Unit Studies

Unit Studies obviously strongest – 3% of quiz takers

Unit Studies and Charlotte Mason strongest – 4% of quiz takers
Unit Studies and Unschooling strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Unit Studies and Montessori strongest – 3% of quiz takers
Unit Studies and Classical strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers

Unit Studies, Charlotte Mason, and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Unit Studies, Charlotte Mason, and Classical strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Unit Studies, Charlotte Mason, and Unschooling strongest – 3% of quiz takers
Unit Studies, Charlotte Mason, and Montessori strongest – 3% of quiz takers
Unit Studies, Charlotte Mason, and Waldorf strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Unit Studies, Classical, and Unschooling strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Unit Studies, Classical, and Montessori strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Unit Studies, Classical, and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Unit Studies, Montessori, and Waldorf strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Unit Studies, Unschooling, and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – 1% of quiz takers

In general:

If I combine these results into something that shows the commonality of these different approaches, we have:

Any Unit Studies as a major part of their overall philosophy – 27% of quiz takers
Any Unit Studies and Charlotte Mason as a major part of their overall philosophy – 12% of quiz takers
Any Unit Studies and Classical as a major part of their overall philosophy – 3% of quiz takers
Any Unit Studies and Unschooling as a major part of their overall philosophy – 9% of quiz takers
Any Unit Studies and Montessori and a major part of their overall philosophy – 11% of quiz takers
Any Unit Studies and Thomas Jefferson Education as a major part of their overall philosophy – 1% of quiz takers
Any Unit Studies and Waldorf as a major part of their overall philosophy – 1% of quiz takers


Classical obviously strongest – 1% of quiz takers

Classical and Montessori strongest – 4% of quiz takers
Classical and Traditional strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Classical and Charlotte Mason strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Classical and Unschooling strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Classical and Unit Studies strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers

Classical, Unschooling, and Montessori strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Classical, Unschooling, and Waldorf strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Classical, Unschooling, and Unit Studies strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Classical, Montessori, and Unit Studies strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Classical, Montessori, and Waldorf strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Classical, Montessori, and Charlotte Mason strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Classical, Charlotte Mason, and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Classical, Charlotte Mason, and Unit Studies strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Classical, Unit Studies, and Thomas Jefferson Education strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers

In general:

If I combine these results into something that shows the commonality of these different approaches, we have:

Any Classical as a major part of their overall philosophy – 13% of quiz takers
Any Classical and Charlotte Mason as a major part of their overall philosophy – 4% of quiz takers
Any Classical and Unit Studies as a major part of their overall philosophy – 3% of quiz takers
Any Classical and Unschooling as a major part of their overall philosophy – 2% of quiz takers
Any Classical and Montessori and a major part of their overall philosophy – 8% of quiz takers
Any Classical and Thomas Jefferson Education as a major part of their overall philosophy – 1% of quiz takers
Any Classical and Waldorf as a major part of their overall philosophy – 1% of quiz takers
Any Classical and Traditional as a major part of their overall philosophy – less than 1% of quiz takers


Waldorf obviously strongest – 1% of quiz takers

Waldorf and Montessori strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Waldorf and Traditional strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Waldorf and Charlotte Mason strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Waldorf and Unschooling strongest – 1% of quiz takers

Waldorf, Charlotte Mason, and Unit Studies strongest – less than 1% of quiz takers
Waldorf, Charlotte Mason, and Unschooling strongest –  less than 1% of quiz takers
Waldorf, Charlotte Mason, and Montessori strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Waldorf, Classical, and Unschooling strongest –  less than 1% of quiz takers
Waldorf, Classical, and Montessori strongest –  less than 1% of quiz takers
Waldorf, Montessori, and Unit Studies strongest –  less than 1% of quiz takers
Waldorf, Montessori, and Unschooling strongest –  less than 1% of quiz takers

In general:

If I combine these results into something that shows the commonality of these different approaches, we have:

Any Waldorf as a major part of their overall philosophy – 6% of quiz takers
Any Waldorf and Charlotte Mason as a major part of their overall philosophy – 2% of quiz takers
Any Waldorf and Classical as a major part of their overall philosophy – 1% of quiz takers
Any Waldorf and Unschooling as a major part of their overall philosophy – 2% of quiz takers
Any Waldorf and Montessori and a major part of their overall philosophy – 2% of quiz takers
Any Waldorf and Unit Studies as a major part of their overall philosophy – 1% of quiz takers
Any Waldorf and Traditional as a major part of their overall philosophy – less than 1% of quiz takers


Traditional obviously strongest – 3% of quiz takers

Traditional and Montessori strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Traditional and Waldorf strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Traditional and Charlotte Mason strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Traditional and Classical strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Traditional, Montessori, and Charlotte Mason strongest – 1% of quiz takers

In general:

If I combine these results into something that shows the commonality of these different approaches, we have:

Any Traditional as a major part of their overall philosophy – 6% of quiz takers
Any Traditional and Charlotte Mason as a major part of their overall philosophy – 1% of quiz takers
Any Traditional and Classical as a major part of their overall philosophy – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Any Traditional and Montessori and a major part of their overall philosophy – 2% of quiz takers
Any Traditional and Waldorf as a major part of their overall philosophy – Less than 1% of quiz takers

Thomas Jefferson Education

Thomas Jefferson Education obviously strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers

Thomas Jefferson Education and Unschooling strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Thomas Jefferson Education and Charlotte Mason strongest – 1% of quiz takers

Thomas Jefferson Education, Unschooling, and Charlotte Mason strongest – 1 % of quiz takers
Thomas Jefferson Education, Unschooling, and Montessori strongest – 2% of quiz takers
Thomas Jefferson Education, Unschooling, and Unit Studies strongest – 1% of quiz takers
Thomas Jefferson Education, Classical, and Charlotte Mason strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Thomas Jefferson Education, Classical, and Unit Studies strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Thomas Jefferson Education, Charlotte Mason, and Unit Studies strongest – Less than 1% of quiz takers
Thomas Jefferson Education, Charlotte Mason, and Montessori strongest – 1% of quiz takers

In general:

If I combine these results into something that shows the commonality of these different approaches, we have:

Any Thomas Jefferson Education as a major part of their overall philosophy – 8% of quiz takers
Any Thomas Jefferson Education and Charlotte Mason as a major part of their overall philosophy – 4% of quiz takers
Any Thomas Jefferson Education and Unschooling as a major part of their overall philosophy – 5% of quiz takers
Any Thomas Jefferson Education and Classical as a major part of their overall philosophy – 4% of quiz takers
Any Thomas Jefferson Education and Montessori and a major part of their overall philosophy – 3% of quiz takers
Any Thomas Jefferson Education and Unit Studies as a major part of their overall philosophy – 1% of quiz takers


Now, do I think this is accurate?  I think it is an accurate representation for those who took the quiz.  The data didn’t change too much for each grouping of 100.  However, I do think that there are some groups that were less likely to take the quiz.  I’m guessing that Traditional, Classical, and Unschooling are underrepresented if you look at homeschooling as a whole.

When I took the quiz, I had Charlotte Mason, Montessori, and Unschooling as stronger than others.  I share that perspective with 6% of quiz takers, but I’m sure that if those 6% sat down together to chat about how we homeschool,  we would all be different.  We are all unique and I think our homeschools should reflect that!

What percentage did you get?  Please share in the comments.

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