Homeschool Philosophies: A Resource List

philosophiesMany people who took the What Kind of Homeschooler Are You? quiz have asked for more information about some of the different homeschool philosophies.  As a result, I put together this resource list that briefly describes each philosophy and gives you links to find out more information.




Classical Education is based on the trivium which consists of three stages of learning.  In the earlier elementary years, the focus is on the learning and memorization of facts.  The logic stage begins in late elementary and goes through middle school.  During this stage the emphasis is on learning to think and analyzing information.   In high school, the rhetoric stage of classical education involves the child learning to effectively communicate thoughts and ideas with others.

Books on Classical Education

Teaching the Trivium

The Well-Trained Mind

The Core: Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education

Simply Classical:  A Beautiful Education for Any Child

Websites on Classical Education

Well-Trained Mind

Classical Conversations

Classical Homeschooling

Circe Institute

Blogs on Classical Education at Home

Life in Grace

Homegrown Learners

Milk and Cookies

Classically Homeschooling

Homeschooling for His Glory

Classical Education Curriculum

Memoria Press

Classical Writing

Veritas Press

Classical Conversations

Story of the World

The Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading

Writing with Ease

Writing with Skill

First Language Lessons



Waldorf Education was developed by Rudolf Steiner in the early 1900s.  The approach values nature, creative expression, cooperation, play-based learning, and social responsibility.  It involves three stages of development.  The first stage is from birth through age 7.  During that stage there is no direct teaching and an emphasis on creative play and experiencing the world.  From age 7 through age 14 lessons are approached through art.  From age 14 to the end of high school, the approach is rigorous with a focus on learning to think for oneself.

Books on Waldorf Education

Understanding Waldorf Education

School as a Journey

Waldorf Education:  A Family Guide

The Waldorf Homeschool Handbook

Websites on Waldorf Education

Christopherus Homeschool Resources

Waldorf Homeschoolers

Waldorf Inspired Learning

The Online Waldorf Library

Waldorf in the Home

Blogs on Waldorf Home Education

 The Magic Onions

Frontier Dreams


Ancient Hearth

Waldorf Education Curriculum

Live Education

Oak Meadow (not completely Waldorf)


Waldorf Essentials

Christopherus Curriculum

Traditional (School at Home) Approach


The traditional approach to homeschooling parallels a typical classroom.  Grade level textbooks, workbooks, and teacher’s manuals are used.  Tests, grades, and schedules are a normal part of traditional schooling.  Many families using this approach will have a mini-classroom set up in their home.

Blogs on Traditional Education

Meghan Carver, Lawyer Mom

The Unlikely Homeschool

Confessions of a Homeschooler

Biblical Homemaking

Traditional Education Curriculum


Bob Jones

Switched on Schoolhouse





Unschooling is child-led learning.  Believers in this philosophy feel that leaning is natural for children and when children lead the way, learning is meaningful for the child.  Parents provide support and act as facilitators rather than teachers.

Books on Unschooling

The Unschooling Handbook

Sandra Dodd’s Big Book of Unschooling

Learning All the Time

Teach Your Own:  The John Holt Book of Home Schooling

The Unschooling Unmanual

Christian Unschooling

Websites on Unschooling


John Holt GWS

Sandra Dodd Radical Unschooling

Living Joyfully

Christian Unschooling

Blogs on Unschooling

I’m Unschooled. Yes, I Can Write.

Stories of an Unschooling Family

Unschool Me

Unschooling NYC

Gifted Unschooling

Thomas Jefferson Education


Also called Leadership Education, Thomas Jefferson Education has a goal of raising future leaders.  The child progresses through different phases of learning.  From birth to age 8, the child learns about morals, family values, relationships, the value of work, and responsibilities.  Between ages 8 through 12, the focus is on helping the child develop a love for learning.  The child enjoys read alouds, projects, and interest led learning during that time.  The next phase is between 12 to 18 years.  During this time the child studies classics, utilizes mentors, and spends long hours in study.

Books on Thomas Jefferson Education

A Thomas Jefferson Education

Leadership Education

A Thomas Jefferson Education Home Companion

Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens

Websites on Thomas Jefferson Education


TJEd for Teens

TJED Mothers

Blogs on Thomas Jefferson Education

TJEd Mothers Blog

Momma Rocking the TJEd

Freedom Educators




Montessori education began with Maria Montessori in the early 1900s.  With this method, the parent acts as an observer or guide as the child spends long periods of uninterrupted child-led study.  The environment is set up to provide a place for the child to freely explore.  Subjects are explored in an interrelated way rather than separated into different areas of study.

Books on Montessori Education

Montessori Today

Teaching Montessori in the Home: Pre-School Years

Teaching Montessori in the Home: School Years

Montessori Play and Learn

The Absorbent Mind

Websites on Montessori Education

Our Kids

Montessori for Everyone

Michael Olaf

Blogs on Montessori Home Education

Living Montessori Now

Montessori on a Budget

At Home with Montessori

Confessions of a Montessori Mom

Our Montessori Home

Natural Beach Living

The Natural Homeschool

Montessori Curriculum

New Child Montessori

Montessori for the Earth

NAMC 3-6 Montessori Homeschool Program

Just Montessori

Global Village School

Charlotte Mason Education


The Charlotte Mason approach to education focuses on educating the whole child and not just the mind.  Charlotte Mason believed in the importance of establishing good habits.  Shorter lessons with focused attention are preferred over longer blocks of time.  Understanding ideas is prioritized over learning facts.  Living books, spending time outside, literature-rich studies, art and music studies, and narration are elements you would find in a Charlotte Mason homeschool.

Books on Charlotte Mason Education

A Charlotte Mason Companion

A Charlotte Mason Education

Home Education by Charlotte Mason

More Charlotte Mason Education:  A Homeschooling How-To Manual

Websites on Charlotte Mason Education

Simply Charlotte Mason

Catherine Levinson

Charlotte Mason Help

Charlotte Mason Home

Blogs on Charlotte Mason Education

Moments with Mother Culture

Blueberry Cottage

Jimmies Collage

Our Journey Westward

Fisher Academy

Charlotte Mason Education Curriculum

Ambleside Online

Living Books Curriculum

Harmony Fine Arts

Mater Amabilis

Queen Homeschooling

Unit Studies


Unit studies are topical studies that combine many different subjects.  Often projects or activities are incorporated into the study.  Many unit studies can be adapted so they can be used with a wide age range.  Some families do notebooking or lapbooking as part of their studies.

Books on Using Unit Studies

Unit Studies Made Easy

Science Unit Studies for Homeschoolers or Teachers

How to Create Your Own Unit Study

Blogs on Unit Studies

Home Grown Hearts Academy

Susan Evans

The Homeschool Mom

Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus

Only Passionate Curiosity

Unit Study Curriculum

Amanda Bennett

Five in a Row


My Father’s World

Homeschool Share

Intellego Unit Studies

Of course there is always Eclectic.  Most homeschoolers are at least a little eclectic.  Eclectic homeschooling means that a variety of philosophies and methods are used to come up with a unique mix that works for your family.  If you notice the title of this blog, we are eclectic and identify with many elements from the various philosophies.  At the same time, there is no one particular method that stands out as something that will be the best fit for our family.  I highly value personalized learning and find that eclectic homeschooling best allows me to do that.

What method do you identify with the most?

What method of homeschooling matches your homeschool the best?
2054 votes · 723 answers
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8 thoughts on “Homeschool Philosophies: A Resource List

  1. I follow a Classical method using Memoria Press, which is similar to The Latin Centered Curriculum…I find that the methods and philosphy used by Memoria Press is not the same as Well Trained Mind…There seems to be two different types of Classical Educators…The definition above is a good description of those who use The Well Trained Mind which is more neoclassical, but differs from those who use a Latin centered approach…

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