Homeschool Philosophies Quiz


Try out our brand new Homeschool Philosophies quiz!  This version has a few philosophies that we revised to give you more accurate results.  We’ve also added in two new philosophies.

Find out how you score with Charlotte Mason Education, Classical Education, Montessori, Project-Based Learning, Reggio-Inspired Learning, Thomas Jefferson Education, Traditional Education, a Unit Studies Approach, an Unschooling Approach, and Waldorf Education.

Share your results in the comments.  Did anything surprise you?  Do you think it is accurate?

To see the previous version, click here.

Great books from history and literature should be used in place of textbooks.

Topical studies are a great way to learn.

Child-led learning is important.

Living books, projects, and activities are preferable to textbooks, workbooks, and worksheets.

Children should design their own curriculum.

Children should have long periods of uninterrupted time for child-led study.

Lessons that can be used with multiple ages and grades are best.

I prefer to purchase grade-level curriculum packages that are planned out for me.

Natural life experiences are where learning truly happens.

The parent's role is to help the child pursue his/her goals and interests.

Instruction should be language-based with little use of screens.

Incorporating many different subjects into one study is preferable.

Creative play should be emphasized in early childhood with no formal learning before age 7.

The parent's role is to inspire the child to learn rather than require him to learn.

Living books are a great tool for learning.

It is important to cultivate wisdom and virtue in our homeschool.

Social responsibility, empathy, creativity, and free thinking are important in my children's education.

Learning should be based on a child's interests.

Learning ideas are more important than memorizing facts.

Parents should model a love for learning, a love for work, a curious nature, and read a lot.

Learning to write clearly and use elegant language is important.

Children will learn when they are ready.

Education should include practical activities like household chores or handcrafts.

Children should redo work until it is excellent.

Education should be driven by a child's interests.

Exploring ideas from great thinkers is important.

Parents should study and read while the child studies and reads.

Learning is best done in larger blocks of time.

Short lessons with focused attention are better than big chunks of time.

Avoiding screens for children who are elementary age or younger is important.

Tests and grades should be given in elementary or middle school.

It is better to study a wide variety of subjects than to focus mainly on reading, writing, and math.

Our learning environment looks like a mini-classroom.

Tests and grades may hinder learning.

Children learn well in multi-age groups.

Topical studies help children make connections between subjects.

Children should spend lots of time outside.

Adults should search out answers together with the child rather than give answers.

Being able to transition into a public or private school classroom is important.

Expression through art and music is important in my homeschool.

A parent's role is to act less like a teacher and more like a mentor to help their children learn.

I want to use curriculum similar to what is used in public or private schools.

The child's learning area needs to be organized and aesthetically pleasing.

Children learn best by doing their own investigations in the world.

Projects are an excellent way to engage in deep, complex learning.

Great works of literature, art, history, and philosophy are important to study.

The parent's role is to facilitate the child's education and not to teach.

Art, music, gardening, and foreign language are important subjects.

Making things is an important part of learning.

Learning is best done in a clutter-free environment filled with natural light.

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305 thoughts on “Homeschool Philosophies Quiz

  1. Mine were CM (16), Unit Studies (15) and a tie between Unschooling and Classical (14) with traditional being a -18. So, basically anything that isn’t remotely like traditional, lol! Ending homeschooling this summer as my oldest heads to college, I was more up for unit studies than they were, so we were probably a bit more of a cross between CM and Classical. My kids reverted to lumps if not pushed, so my unschooling attempts were dismal failures though I was fine with bunny trails when a bit of an interest popped up. The interests were almost always quickly satisfied, so they didn’t take long. No burning passions, unfortunately, other than reading. We did do a very book intensive curriculum and added even more books, lol.

  2. Score for Charlotte Mason: 6
    Score for Classical Education: 9
    Score for Montessori Education: 6
    Score for Project-Based Learning: 9
    Score for Reggio-Inspired:9
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 6
    Score for Traditional Education: 6
    Score for Unit Studies Approach: 6
    Score for Unschooling Approach: 3
    Score for Waldorf Education: 6

    I havent even heard of a few of these it is going to take some looking into.

    1. Score for Charlotte Mason: 19
      Score for Classical Education: 20
      Score for Montessori Education: 8
      Score for Project-Based Learning: 12
      Score for Reggio-Inspired:19
      Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 19
      Score for Traditional Education: -11
      Score for Unit Studies Approach: 11
      Score for Unschooling Approach: 16
      Score for Waldorf Education: 10

    2. Score for Charlotte Mason: 19
      Score for Classical Education: 13
      Score for Montessori Education: 12
      Score for Project-Based Learning: 15
      Score for Reggio-Inspired:21
      Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 20
      Score for Traditional Education: 19
      Score for Unit Studies Approach: 21
      Score for Unschooling Approach: 13
      Score for Waldorf Education: 7

  3. My top three were Montessori, Unit Studies, and Classical. When we first started home schooling I was not interested in unit studies but now we use this method for history. I love it!

  4. Score for Charlotte Mason: -3
    Score for Classical Education: 12
    Score for Montessori Education: 9
    Score for Project-Based Learning: -2
    Score for Reggio-Inspired:17
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 3
    Score for Traditional Education: 11
    Score for Unit Studies Approach: 0
    Score for Unschooling Approach: 4
    Score for Waldorf Education: 11

    Thank you for the quiz. I don’t know if it’s accurate or not; I will need to learn more about each style now.

  5. Score for Charlotte Mason: 17
    Score for Montessori Education: 16
    Score for Unschooling Approach: 14

    Score for Traditional Education: -12

    1. Score for Charlotte Mason: 19 
      Score for Classical Education: 16 
      Score for Montessori Education: 25 
      Score for Project-Based Learning: 23 
      Score for Reggio-Inspired:17 
      Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 20 
      Score for Traditional Education: 2 
      Score for Unit Studies Approach: 19 
      Score for Unschooling Approach: 19 
      Score for Waldorf Education: 15 

    2. My top 3 are
      Charlotte Mason: 21
      Unit Studies Approach: 19
      Unschooling approach: 18

      I have both Project based learning and Classical Education coming in right behind with a 17. I do not know much of these styles but I will be doing a lot of research about them

    1. Score for Charlotte Mason: 20
      Score for Classical Education: 20
      Score for Montessori Education: 25
      Score for Project-Based Learning: 18
      Score for Reggio-Inspired:23
      Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 8
      Score for Traditional Education: -3
      Score for Unit Studies Approach: 13
      Score for Unschooling Approach: 25
      Score for Waldorf Education: 20

      I’m definitely gonna need to look into all these different teaching/learning styles as I haven’t heard of alot of them.

  6. Charlotte Mason, Classical Education, and Reggio-inspired. It was pretty much on point with how we school. This is actually encouraging seeing all the different types of schooling. Understanding that there are many ways to do one thing…learn.

  7. Mason/ Classical/Jefferson
    Mine are graduated now but it was fun to see what combination I got. After reading the descriptions I agree.

    1. Score for Charlotte Mason: 23
      Score for Classical Education: 9
      Score for Montessori Education: 15
      Score for Project-Based Learning: 25
      Score for Reggio-Inspired:23
      Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 15
      Score for Traditional Education: -18
      Score for Unit Studies Approach: 25
      Score for Unschooling Approach: 25
      Score for Waldorf Education: 5

  8. Score for Charlotte Mason: 21
    Score for Classical Education: 3
    Score for Montessori Education: 13
    Score for Project-Based Learning: 18
    Score for Reggio-Inspired:15
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 8
    Score for Traditional Education: -21
    Score for Unit Studies Approach: 14
    Score for Unschooling Approach: 17
    Score for Waldorf Education: 2

    1. Your Results:

      Score for Charlotte Mason: 23
      Score for Classical Education: 14
      Score for Montessori Education: 25
      Score for Project-Based Learning: 25
      Score for Reggio-Inspired:25
      Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 17
      Score for Traditional Education: -5
      Score for Unit Studies Approach: 20
      Score for Unschooling Approach: 18
      Score for Waldorf Education: 25

  9. Score for Charlotte Mason: -1
    Score for Classical Education: 9
    Score for Montessori Education: 5
    Score for Project-Based Learning: 0
    Score for Reggio-Inspired:2
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: -13
    Score for Traditional Education: -5
    Score for Unit Studies Approach: 0
    Score for Unschooling Approach: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: -8

    Thought this was really interesting to find out. I found the answers were pretty accurate for where we are as a homeschool family.

  10. Score for Charlotte Mason: 16
    Score for Unit Studies Approach: 12
    Score for Classical Education: 11
    Score for Reggio-Inspired:12

    These are the ones I scored highest in.

  11. I see myself as mostly a TJEd kind of homeschooler, ha ha and that’s what Is cored least on. But, I think it is because my children are 8 and under, and TjEd is rather Montessori/Unschooling/Child Led in that age group. The other reason I think I scored low for TJEd is because, while I DO believe in great thinkers and in the classics, I believe more in spiritual/heart learning right now as described at Libraries of Hope. which I’m learning from at this time. We have only been homeschooling for 2.5 years, and the kids are still small, so we will see as time goes on. Thanks! 🙂

  12. Score for Charlotte Mason: 21 ✨🏆✨
    Score for Classical Education: 14
    Score for Montessori Education: 7
    Score for Project-Based Learning: 6
    Score for Reggio-Inspired:11
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 12
    Score for Traditional Education: -14 😄
    Score for Unit Studies Approach: 8
    Score for Unschooling Approach: 12
    Score for Waldorf Education: 3

  13. Waldorf, Reggio, and Montessori, though I had never heard of the first two. None of these work for us at home though. When I researched them, each encourages a “school” environment, which we don’t do at home; a structured space for learning, which we don’t do; and curriculum, which we only apply after learning for state requirements. Unschooled would suite us, but I do feel I have an “agenda” of what I want my child to learn (as Kentucky requires certain subjects), so we’re disqualified from that result. And so Eclectic is our way!

  14. Score for Charlotte Mason: -3
    Score for Classical Education: 8
    Score for Montessori Education: 18
    Score for Project-Based Learning: 4
    Score for Reggio-Inspired:6
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 3
    Score for Traditional Education: 6
    Score for Unit Studies Approach: 12
    Score for Unschooling Approach: -3
    Score for Waldorf Education: 1

  15. I scored high on TJ Ed and had never heard of it until now. We aren’t starting until the fall so I’m still figuring things out. I’m glad this quiz led me to look at different styles.

  16. 1st tied for Unit Studies/Montessori, second tied for Charlotte Mason/Reggio, third was Project based. I scored negatively for traditional. Has anyone given this same test to their children?

    1. Score for Charlotte Mason: 17
      Score for Classical Education: 14
      Score for Montessori Education: 13
      Score for Project-Based Learning: 14
      Score for Reggio-Inspired:21
      Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 1
      Score for Traditional Education: 0
      Score for Unit Studies Approach: 14
      Score for Unschooling Approach: 17
      Score for Waldorf Education: 4

  17. Montessori Education: 17
    Project-Based Learning: 15
    -10 for Traditional

    I’d say we are proud eclectic, secular homeschoolers

  18. Highest charlotte mason then tie between reggio-inspired and project-based. My daughter is turning 3. We do mostly play and started w routine of activities of daily living. Didnt plan to start formal homeschooling yet but She recently said: Mommy, i want to learn how to write. So now im exploring methods/curriculum/philosophies.

  19. My top 3 scores were Traditional (19), Montessori (16), and Reggio-Inspired (14). My lowest 3 scores were Waldorf (-7), Project-Based (-3), and Charlotte Mason (0). I would say this is a pretty accurate description.

  20. Okay, I am a total mess. We are currently doing Traditional and have done mostly Traditional since when I tried CM and unit studies it was difficult for me. I scored where I know I wanted to be in the beginning of our homeschool journey which was Classical 12. Hubby, did not want me to do classical. Then, CM and Reggio are tied for 9. Never even heard of Reggio, but now I am curious. And unschooling (shocker) was 6. Funny thing is Traditional was -3 but that is what we have done the most. No wonder my joy is gone. 😉

  21. Unschooling, project based, traditional.
    I would never guess traditional. I sound off very UNtraditional.

  22. My top three were Traditional Education, Classical Education, and Montessori, with a very strong leaning toward Traditional Education, which doesn’t surprise me at all.

    Project-Based, Thomas Jefferson Education, and Unschooling were the bottom three.

    I am a fairly unorganized person, and I definitely need a defined curriculum with tests and quizzes to hold me accountable. A looser education system would probably really fail my children academically.

  23. Unschooling 23, unit 18, classical/Waldorf 16. Traditional mass model -25!!! Charlotte Mason was surprisingly low, at 7, but I know why. Classical is higher than I think it should be, because of the question that combined quality writing with “elegant” language; communication skills are important to me but “elegance” not so much. CM is low because I am comfortable with my children diving deeply into a subject and not spreading their time and energy thin.

  24. WEll I guess I’m pretty eclectic as my top score was Reggio, (which I’ve somehow never heard of in 10 plus years of homeschooling). Second was Thomas Jefferson. The others all followed within 1 point of each other, except traditional with a negative score and unit study with a low score. Ill be looking into this a bit more to find out about Reggio.

  25. Classical, Reggio Inspired and Unit studies approach. I don’t even know what Reggio Inspired is, going to look that up now. 🙂

  26. Unschooling (19), Waldorf (16), Classical (14), Charlotte Mason (13). The classical surprised me, but I suspect it is because I now have high schoolers/middle schoolers. I tend toward the other 3 in elementary and get a bit more classicalish as they get older. Unsurprisingly traditional was -23!

  27. My top scores were a tie between Reggio and Charlotte Mason, with unschooling a little bit lower.

    It’s funny because right now I have a toddler, so we’re not doing anything formal. But I’ve really been looking into Charlotte Mason for when she’s older.

  28. Reggio (23) and Unit Studies/Montessor tied (16) as my top three… I had no idea what Reggio was (new to homeschooling) and after doing some research I was like, “OMG this is me! THIS is my philosophy on everything about children!”

  29. My top 3 were Waldorf (12), Classical (11), and Unit Studies, (10). Hmm. I had to go look up what Waldorf education is!

  30. My highest was unschooling followed by a tie between Charlotte Mason and classical.
    -23 for traditional

    1. Mine were Charlotte mason highest, then Classicla , then Reggio( never heard of that one)and the Waldorf..-19 on traditional…..

    2. I am surprised at my first being traditional. Then it’s classical and unit. Hmmmm, I’m definitely not a traditional homeschool mom. More of unschooled and classical is more our style.

  31. Unit studies, Montesori, unschooling.

    My kids are grown and have kids of their own – we homeschooled along time ago. I would do it differently now – but not a lot differently. I think I’d include more classic literature.

  32. Unschooling/Project-based/Montessori. I’d say that’s quite accurate. I also found it comical that I scored very negative for traditional. That is DEFINITELY accurate, lol!

  33. Classical, CM, Then a tie between Waldorf and Montessori. Interesting. I have done Classical in the past but found it too intense for us. CM is too scattered and hard to pull together. So, yeah, I fall somewhere between the two.

    (-23 for traditional. Lol)

  34. My high scores were classical and Charlotte Mason with Waldorf coming in a distant third. I have been homeschooling since 1995 and this is pretty much bang on!

  35. This is fabulous, thank you! We’ve made the decision to HE in the last week. My researcher personality has been a little overwhelmed by all the information and various philosophies. This helps me to focus on looking into project based and unschooling, which is what I’ve been attracted to. I also got equal scores for Reggio, Charlotte and unit studies. The -12 for tradition schooling surprised me! I’ve finally concluded that if neither my husband nor I enjoyed school from a learning perspective, and our nearly 13-year-old daughter certainly isn’t, why continue it? Now I’m excited to be learning with her!

    1. It is so much fun. I love the connection with my kids and the extra time spent with them. Happy for you and wishing you all a wonderful transition!!

  36. My high scores were Charlotte Mason, Unit studies and Montessori. Surprised by Montessori, so I will check in to it more. Proud of my -15 in traditional school 😀

  37. Our results were Charlotte Mason, Montessori and Unschooling. We mainly use a Montessori approach right now, and I will be looking into the other approaches.

    I did receive a -13 in Traditional Schooling which did not surprise me at all. I do not believe in Traditional schooling or curriculum at all.

    Thanks for the test!

  38. My top 3 were unit studies, unschooling and Charlotte Mason. I haven’t started home ed yet and don’t know much about each different philosophy so this was really helpful. Thanks.

  39. Haha. Mine were classical, traditional, and Unschooling. That’s funny because mostly we hold to Charlotte Mason philosphy.

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