What is my Child’s Learning Style?

What is my Child's Learning Style?

When I first started homeschooling, my child baffled me.  He was not learning in the way that I thought that most kids learn.  Personalizing my child’s education was a major reason we were homeschooling, so I set off to figure out what made my son tick.  Understanding his unique learning style has made education much easier.

There are many different learning style models out there.  I put together this questionnaire from an assortment of different models.  Many of the models separated learners into a couple categories, but I’ve found real life learners don’t quite fit into one model so well.  Many of them also assumed that a child was in a classroom situation with regular homework assignments.Homeschool Curriculum Reviews

I put together this questionnaire with homeschooling in mind.  This questionnaire looks at whether your child exhibits characteristics of a sequential learner or a global learner.  Some children show a preference and some are more evenly split.  I have one that doesn’t show a preference, one that is global, and one that is sequential.

You will also find questions to help you see whether your child is an auditory learner, a visual learner, a creative learner,  a read/write learner, an interpersonal learner, a kinesthetic learner, or a logical learner.  You will likely discover a couple strong areas, a couple areas that don’t match with your child, and some neutral styles of learning.

I found it helpful to take the quiz myself and compare my own learning style with my children’s learning styles.   Even though I was familiar with my children’s learning styles, this little questionnaire gave me more information on what makes them tick.

Learning Style Questionnaire

Likes listening to music.

Prefers reading independently over being read to.

Hands-on activities are an important part of the learning process.

Enjoys strategy games.

Can sometimes appear to be scatterbrained.

Doodles or drawings are an everyday occurence.

Is highly imaginative.

Retains information well by just reading.

Discussion and debate are enjoyable.

Prefers to have things organized.

Manages time well.

Learns well with videos.

Talks to himself/herself.

Enjoys group projects

To-do lists are used and enjoyed.

Detail oriented

Would rather work one-on-one with a parent than alone.

Fidgets often.

Difficult tasks may be easier than simple ones.

Enjoys art.

Remembers oral instructions.

Likes to spend time playing outside.

Prefers learning in a step-by-step manner where new concepts build on previously learned material.

Craves novelty

Flashcards are an efficient way to learn.

May arrive at a correct answer, but not be able to show the steps to get there.

Likes to figure things out rather than follow the instructions.

Prefers to work in a group instead of working alone.

Does not learn well with drill and practice.

Read alouds are well-loved.

Math minded

Prefers a more interesting meadering way to learn rather than just getting it done.

Pays more attention to a task when it involves movement.

Comes up with unique ways to solve a problem.

Ideas are more important than details.

Would prefer information to be in a list instead of a graphic.

Sees pictures or movies in his/her head when reading.

Can show the steps taken to come up with an answer.

Learns well with workbooks.

Can easily identify patterns.

Remembers more when reading aloud than when reading silently.

Gets along well with others.

Needs lots of active breaks when working at a desk or table.

Is organized.

Prefers books with pictures or graphics.

Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results!


60 thoughts on “What is my Child’s Learning Style?

  1. Here is my 10 year old son’s scores. So where do I go from here? We’ve been homeschooling 2 years but have issues in some areas.
    Sequential: -13
    Global: 4
    Auditory: 5
    Creative: 14
    Interpersonal: 6
    Kinesthetic: 16
    Logical: 4
    Read/write: 11
    Visual: 13

  2. my 10 yrs old daughter

    Score for Sequential: 6
    Score for Global: 9

    Score for Auditory: 9
    Score for Creative: 11
    Score for Interpersonal: 6
    Score for Kinesthetic: 21
    Score for Logical: 16
    Score for Read/Write: 6
    Score for Visual: 14

  3. These results are from a 5.5 year old boy.

    Score for Sequential: -1
    Score for Global: 5

    Score for Auditory: 13
    Score for Creative: 21
    Score for Interpersonal: 18
    Score for Kinesthetic: 21
    Score for Logical: 0
    Score for Read/Write: -8
    Score for Visual: 16

  4. 10 Year old with ADHD

    Sequential -9
    Global 11
    Auditory -1
    Creative 3
    Interpersonal 9
    Kinesthetic 17
    Logical 3
    Read and Write 8
    Visual 11

  5. Score for Sequential: 9
    Score for Global: 2

    Score for Auditory: 13
    Score for Creative: 19
    Score for Interpersonal: 23
    Score for Kinesthetic: 0
    Score for Logical: 3
    Score for Read/Write: -16
    Score for Visual: 4

    11 year old with memory processing delay. takes a long time to memorize facts and learning. what kind of materials or curriculum will work for her?

  6. Score for Sequential: -8
    Score for Global: 5

    Score for Auditory: 8
    Score for Creative: 12
    Score for Interpersonal: 0
    Score for Kinesthetic: 19
    Score for Logical: 0
    Score for Read/Write: -19
    Score for Visual: 16

    7 yo girl with dyslexia and some learning delays. New to home and virtual learning trying to figure out the best way to do virtual learning and give her needed breaks for creative and active outlets

  7. What is a “creative” learner per se? I have taken Howard Gardner’s learning modality quiz with similar results as this quiz but no “creative” section. My kids both scored very highly so I want to teach to that skill. Also for read/write…. I could easily spend 12 hours a day reading and writing, but when I took the test out of curiosity, I got a 2. (both my kids were -8). Why would I love reading and writing (enough sometimes i forget to eat lunch or what have you) but score so low? Thank you.

  8. What if both sequential and global are negative (-10 and -5 a respectively)?!
    Does that mean that my 7 yo son will not be a successful learner via any typical curriculum?

    He’s really rather brilliant but extremely ADHD mixed type and we haven’t had any luck in figuring out what his “thing”is yet, so he’s a bit tough to engage through relying on any particular subject or activity method.

  9. computer programming. 
    11 year old:
    Score for Sequential: -9 
    Score for Global: 9 
    Score for Logical: 12 
    Score for Visual: 17 

  10. computer programming. 
    11 year old:
    Score for Sequential: -9 
    Score for Global: 9 
    Score for Logical: 12 
    Score for Visual: 17 

  11. 5 year old with incredible memory.
    Grasps languages easily
    Loves learning, but gets bored super fast if
    the task is simple and repetitive.
    Trying to keep her stimulated with learning is a never ending
    Endeavor. What to do?
    Score for Sequential: -21
    Score for Global: 15
    Score for Auditory: 12
    Score for Creative: 7
    Score for Interpersonal: 25
    Score for Kinesthetic: 20
    Score for Logical: 1
    Score for Read/Write: 1
    Score for Visual: 23

  12. Score for Sequential: -11
    Score for Global: 8

    Score for Auditory: 8
    Score for Creative: 14
    Score for Interpersonal: 11
    Score for Kinesthetic: 8
    Score for Logical: -11
    Score for Read/Write: 3
    Score for Visual: 1

    1. Forgot to include that these results are for an on-the-spectrum 5.5 year old with strong ADD tendencies.
      For most questions, I had to choose Neither since we really don’t know the best way for him to learn, and nearly everything is a trial and error process that changes regularly. (Which is why homeschooling is the best option! Special Ed track was definitely not.)

  13. score for a 10 year old

    Score for Sequential: -12
    Score for Global: 0

    Score for Auditory: 8
    Score for Creative: 13
    Score for Interpersonal: -9
    Score for Kinesthetic: 20
    Score for Logical: -3
    Score for Read/Write: -3
    Score for Visual: 11

    1. Score for 6-year old boy with diagnosed ADHD

      Score for Sequential: -10
      Score for Global: 8

      Score for Auditory: 5
      Score for Creative: 13
      Score for Interpersonal: 14
      Score for Kinesthetic: 13
      Score for Logical: 2
      Score for Read/Write: -8
      Score for Visual: 5

    2. Score for Sequential: -1
      Score for Global: 10

      Score for Auditory: 17
      Score for Creative: 18
      Score for Interpersonal: 23
      Score for Kinesthetic: 21
      Score for Logical: 8
      Score for Read/Write: -2
      Score for Visual: 7

      Now I’m confused as to how to take this…
      How do I figure out what curriculum would work?

  14. Score for Auditory: 5
    Score for Creative: 14
    Score for Interpersonal: 3
    Score for Kinesthetic: 25
    Score for Logical: 0
    Score for Read/Write: -3
    Score for Visual: 21

  15. My youngest newly 5-year-old daughter:

    Score for Sequential: 3
    Score for Global: -3

    Score for Auditory: 10
    Score for Creative: 11
    Score for Interpersonal: 14
    Score for Kinesthetic: 19
    Score for Logical: 3
    Score for Read/Write: 0
    Score for Visual: 19

  16. My middle daughter:

    Score for Sequential: -3
    Score for Global: 13

    Score for Auditory: 3
    Score for Creative: 19
    Score for Interpersonal: 14
    Score for Kinesthetic: 19
    Score for Logical: 4
    Score for Read/Write: 5
    Score for Visual: 15

  17. My oldest daughter’s results:
    Score for Sequential: -6
    Score for Global: 5

    Score for Auditory: 0
    Score for Creative: 14
    Score for Interpersonal: 6
    Score for Kinesthetic: 14
    Score for Logical: 4
    Score for Read/Write: 3
    Score for Visual: 17

    1. Could you revise this to separate Read and Write? My oldest daughter is a bookworm and loves to read, but she is uncomfortable writing and goes out of her way to avoid writing (I suspect maybe dysgraphia). It would be helpful for parents whose kids might have a learning disability to have Read and Write split up. Thanks.

  18. All Girls

    Age 10
    Score for Sequential:0
    Score for Global:6

    Score for Auditory:-1
    Score for Creative: 7
    Score for Interpersonal: 6
    Score for Kinesthetic: 12
    Score for Logical: -8
    Score for Read/Write: -11
    Score for visual: 16

    Enjoys drawing, writing story, playing video games

    Age 8

    Score for Sequential:0
    Score for Global:6

    Score for Auditory: 21
    Score for Creative: 19
    Score for Interpersonal: 9
    Score for Kinesthetic: 19
    Score for Logical: 0
    Score for Read/Write: 4
    Score for visual: 13

    Enjoys youtube videos, Acting, recording videos and drawing

    Age 6
    Score for Sequential:3
    Score for Global:0

    Score for Auditory: 15
    Score for Creative: 18
    Score for Interpersonal: 16
    Score for Kinesthetic: 21
    Score for Logical: 6
    Score for Read/Write: 1
    Score for visual: 13

    Enjoys youtube videos, recording videos, movies, imaginative play and being read to.

  19. I am looking into homeschooling my bright 7 year old ADHD son. He has been asking me to school him for the past 2 years and has gotten into a little trouble at school for not paying attention, personally I think he is board.

    These are the scores he received:

    Score for Sequential: -9
    Score for Global: 16

    Score for Auditory: 6
    Score for Creative: 19
    Score for Interpersonal: 5
    Score for Kinesthetic: 14
    Score for Logical: 3
    Score for Read/Write: -6
    Score for Visual: 2

    I am an ADD mom, so I can totally sympathise with what he is going through. I took your new quiz for discovering my homeschooling style and got the following scores.

    Classical and Traditional Education 17
    Montessori 15
    Unit Study and Charlotte Mason 14

    Any advice on which direction to head would be greatly appreciated! I’m not sure how to meld my teaching style with his learning style. I also have 12 month old twins (one on a feeding tube in therapy 2x a week) and a 5 year old who will be going to public special ed school during the school day. Thank you!

  20. Score for Sequential: -10
    Score for Global: 14

    Score for Auditory: 15
    Score for Creative: 16
    Score for Interpersonal: -4
    Score for Kinesthetic: 23
    Score for Logical: 18
    Score for Read/Write: 13
    Score for Visual: 21

    Looking for curriculum for him. He is going into 7th, but testing at 4th grade level. New to homeschooling, not sure where to go first

  21. Sequential or Global – no preference. But highly visual. Any tips on where to read more about visual learning?

    Girl 10 year
    Score for Sequential: -3
    Score for Global: -8

    Score for Auditory: 10
    Score for Creative: 8
    Score for Interpersonal: 7
    Score for Kinesthetic: 0
    Score for Logical: -2
    Score for Read/Write: -3
    Score for Visual: 23

    1. Dianne Craft focuses on teaching Right Brain learners and has curriculum for our visual learners

  22. Hmmm, I think we can say categorically that my kiddo is a big picture kind of gal lol? That’s not so surprising, and to be honest, I am a little that way myself.

    Is it usual for many of the scores to be so closely aligned?

    Score for Sequential: -19
    Score for Global: 14

    Score for Auditory: 10
    Score for Creative: 13
    Score for Interpersonal: 14
    Score for Kinesthetic: 17
    Score for Logical: -3
    Score for Read/Write: 2
    Score for Visual: 19

    1. Scores for a 10 year old boy
      My scores of him/His answers are next to mine.

      Score for Sequential: -6/7
      Score for Global: 11/16

      Score for Auditory: 2/13
      Score for Creative: 11/21
      Score for Interpersonal: 11/3
      Score for Kinesthetic: 23/10
      Score for Logical: 10/21
      Score for Read/Write: -3/3
      Score for Visual: 3/0

      I would like feedback on what learning programs would work for him. It’s interesting to see how much I “REALLY” know about how he likes to learn. *sarcasm*

      On the bright side: At least I know he’s global learner!

  23. New to homeschooling how do I find a cirriculum for my child’s learning style?
    He loves Minecraft what homeschool materials are out there for that?
    I feel like some of what I got for him is not working.

  24. Score for Sequential: -3
    Score for Global: 23

    Score for Auditory: 1
    Score for Creative: 23
    Score for Interpersonal: -3
    Score for Kinesthetic: 5
    Score for Logical: 10
    Score for Read/Write: 5
    Score for Visual: 10

  25. I’ve got a 12yo visual / global learner. This matches up with my experience with her very well. We struggle mightily with math….

  26. I’m confused by what to do with this, for my 6 year old girl who’s favorite things to do are make books (write and illustrate), play outside, and be read to constantly.

    Score for Sequential: 11
    Score for Global: 8

    Score for Auditory: 18
    Score for Creative: 21
    Score for Interpersonal: 14
    Score for Kinesthetic: 16
    Score for Logical: 14
    Score for Read/Write: -5
    Score for Visual: 9

  27. Just found your site through Simple Homeschool.My older 2 are polar opposites and this illustrates that. My 10 year old daughter: Global 15, sequential -6, Auditory 23, Visual 19, Creative 17, Interpersonal 14, Kinesthetic 8, Logical -11, Read/Write -15 My 13 year old son: Global -15, sequential 23, Read/Write 19, Logical 19, Interpersonal -7, Auditory -8, Creative -15, Visual -17, Kinesthetic -19. My 7 year old daughter scored: global 3, sequential 2, interpersonal 17, visual 15, auditory 11, Kinesthetic 6, creative 5, logical -3, read/write -3

  28. Score for Sequential: 0
    Score for Global: 12

    Score for Auditory: 14
    Score for Creative: 12
    Score for Interpersonal: 3
    Score for Kinesthetic: 17
    Score for Logical: 12
    Score for Read/Write: -5
    Score for Visual: 3

    3rd grader likes being read to, Minecraft, Pokemon, Life of Fred, being with people, needs physical activity (2 days of PE, gymnastics, soccer, etc. wants to do Jujitsu and Parkour, has wrestled).

  29. I have one child that is global and one that is sequential. Is there a learning environment that both of them can learn?

    1. Sequential learners seem to do well with traditional methods of education, but global learners often require you to think outside the box. If you want to use similar resources, it is possible, but you may have to brainstorm ways to use the resources in different ways for each child to make it work.

  30. I wish I had had this information a couple of years ago. My daughter is in third grade and I’m finally figuring out (before the survey) that she learns better with movement and looking at things in patterns. Your survey gave her a kinesthetic score of 21. I had to look it up, but it fits almost 100%.

  31. I had my daughter take your learning styles quiz but now my question is how do I translate her scores into actual curriculum? If she’s high on Global for example, what should I be looking for? Thank you for your help!

    1. If your child is high on global, you will not likely find a curriculum that will fit out of the box. In most cases, you will need to adapt. The only one I know that is supposed to be good for global learners is Art of Problem Solving math. The best way to adapt for a global learner that I have found is to make the subject engaging – a way that she would enjoy it. If the subject isn’t engaging, very little progress is made. I hope that helps.

  32. Score for Sequential: -3
    Score for Global: -3

    Score for Auditory: 8
    Three kiddos but this one was interesting

    Score for Creative: 3
    Score for Interpersonal: 14
    Score for Kinesthetic: 14
    Score for Logical: -8
    Score for Read/Write: 4
    Score for Visual: 14

    Daughter 10. Thinking she’s more Global than Sequential

  33. Score for Sequential: 9
    Score for Global: 6

    Score for Auditory: 14
    Score for Creative: 6
    Score for Interpersonal: 11
    Score for Kinesthetic: 23
    Score for Logical: 14
    Score for Read/Write: -9
    Score for Visual: 12

  34. Thanks for writing this post! I have created teaching tools to help ALL types of preschool learners. Sure pays off to figure this out early on. 😉

  35. 11 year old:
    Score for Sequential: -19
    Score for Global: 19

    Score for Auditory: 2
    Score for Creative: 21
    Score for Interpersonal: 5
    Score for Kinesthetic: 11
    Score for Logical: 3
    Score for Read/Write: -11
    Score for Visual: 14

    Likes Minecraft projects, Life of Fred, stories

    9 year old:
    Score for Sequential: 19
    Score for Global: -8

    Score for Auditory: 11
    Score for Creative: 2
    Score for Interpersonal: 3
    Score for Kinesthetic: -1
    Score for Logical: 10
    Score for Read/Write: 9
    Score for Visual: 13

    Likes workbooks, reading and writing

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