What Kind of Homeschooler Are You?

What Kind of Homeschooler Are You? Quiz

What kind of homeschooler are you? Take this quiz to see which educational philosophies best match your homeschool.

This post is for the original quiz.  Click here if you would like to take an updated quiz with two additional philosophies included.

When you are done with the quiz, check out Homeschool Philosophies:  A Resource List to find out more about the different philosophies.

Great books from history and literature should be used in place of textbooks.

Children should spend plenty of time in nature and use natural materials in education.

I want to use curriculum similar to what is used in public or private schools.

Child-led learning is important.

Early elementary years should focus on exploring the world with no formal lessons.

The parent's most important job in education is to teach the child how to learn.

Short lessons with focused attention are better than big chunks of time.

Lessons that can be used with multiple ages and grades are best.

I prefer to purchase grade-level curriculum packages that are planned out for me.

Learning is more effective when the child is interested.

Discussions are a major part of learning.

Topical studies are a great way to learn.

Instruction should be language-based with little use of screens.

Incorporating many different subjects into one study is preferable.

Early childhood should emphasize creative play and formal learning should be avoided before age 7.

A child's passion for learning should drive their education.

Living books are a great tool for learning.

I desire my children to have a rigorous education.

Social responsibility and empathy are important in my children's education.

Learning ideas are more important than memorizing facts.

Living books, projects, and activities are preferable to textbooks, workbooks, and worksheets.

The parent's role is to facilitate the child's education and not to teach.

Parents should model a love for learning, a love for work, a curious nature, and read a lot.

Learning to write clearly and use elegant language is important.

Children will learn when they are ready.

Education should include practical activities like household chores or handcrafts.

Being able to transition into a public or private school classroom is important.

Education is the child's responsibility.

Latin and logic are important subjects.

Parents should study and read while the child studies and reads.

Self-expression through art, music, role-playing, and movement is an important part of education.

Children should have long periods of uninterrupted time for child-led study.

Avoiding screens for children who are elementary age or younger is important.

Having a teacher's guide is essential.

It is better to study a wide variety of subjects than to focus mainly on reading, writing, and math.

Our learning environment looks like a mini-classroom.

Learning how to learn is a priority.

Children should learn at their own pace.

Topical studies help children make connections between subjects.

Children should spend lots of time outside.

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595 thoughts on “What Kind of Homeschooler Are You?

  1. Score for Unit Studies Education: 25
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 20
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 21

    I looked into the basics of each of these real quick to get an idea and I love what I found out about all 3, we will more than likely combine these this year.

  2. Score for Waldorf Education: 2
    Score for Traditional Education: 18
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 9
    Score for Montessori Education: 11
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 8
    Score for Unschooling: 21
    Score for Classical Education: 5
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 14

  3. Score for Waldorf Education: 14
    Score for Traditional Education: -6
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 0
    Score for Montessori Education: 11
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 6
    Score for Unschooling: 5
    Score for Classical Education: 18
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 7

  4. It reflects very much of what we do
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 19
    Score for Montessori Education: 21
    Score for Classical Education: 21
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 19

  5. Montessori, Unit Studies and Charlotte Mason were my top three in that order. Since I’ve only started this about a week ago my ideas may change over time

  6. My top three were unit studies- 14, unschooling-14, and Charlotte Mason- 15. The thing is, I grew up in the public school system and the school system failed me. I dropped out of highschool my junior year and I struggle with learning. I worry I won’t be able to provide my children the education they deserve. But then again maybe that’s just my fear of failing them as I was failed by the public school system. I’m a single mom and we can only homeschool half the day since I work part time, they spend a majority of their day at daycare.
    Coming across this website eases my anxiety, I just don’t know where to start. My kids are In 4th, 1st and Pre-K. My Pre-K has a great curriculum at her daycare center so I am grateful for that.

  7. This was super helpful, thank you! Really cool to see my priorities outlined like that – especially when I’m brand new to this whole process.

    Unit Studies
    Charlotte Mason

  8. My top 3 were Charlotte Mason, Montessori and Unschooling. Though I received several negatives, my numbers were not anywhere near the high numbers others reported. Does that mean my attitude toward learning/teaching is wrong? I am not one to force my grandson into work. He has ADHD and an IEP but if I force learning/teaching, he has a major meltdown. These are battles I refuse to get into with him. Is he doing the meltdowns because he knows it works for the immediate time? I don’t know. What I do know is, when I broke down his former public schoolwork into different times, his learning was much better, easier and my sanity was intact. This is my first year as a homeschooler and I pray I’m doing what is best for him in this unpredictable world.

  9. Score for Unit Studies Education: 23
    Score for Montessori Education: 16
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 17

  10. Charlotte Mason: 20
    Unit Studies and Montessori tied :18
    Classical :15
    Unschooling: 12
    Thomas Jefferson : 10
    Waldorf: 8
    Traditional: (-13)🤔

  11. Montessori – 25
    Unschooling – 25
    Thomas Jefferson – 25

    I knew that I was merging Montessori and Unschooling. I will do some research on Thomas Jefferson Education. 🙂

  12. I wonder if I am the only one wanting to home school that still scores highest on traditional education?

    Score for Waldorf Education: 1
    Score for Traditional Education: 11
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 9
    Score for Montessori Education: 8
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: -6
    Score for Unschooling: 8
    Score for Classical Education: -3
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 6

  13. Score for Waldorf Education: 8
    Score for Traditional Education: -11
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 6
    Score for Montessori Education: 10
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 11
    Score for Unschooling: 14
    Score for Classical Education: 2
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 14

  14. Score for Waldorf Education: 19
    Score for Traditional Education: -18
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 25
    Score for Montessori Education: 16
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 16

    Third place was a tie. Included the lowest score. We intentionally do unit studies with projects in place of tests and assessments. I kinda know what the other 3 methods, but I think I’ll research them more to see if we should try any new approaches to better fine-tune our routine.

  15. Score for Waldorf Education: 0
    Score for Traditional Education: 6
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 3
    Score for Montessori Education: 11
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 6
    Score for Unschooling: 19
    Score for Classical Education: -6
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 6

    This is funny because I was the Director for a Waldorf 😀

    But my dream has always been to build children’s education based on what they wanted to learn. Sudbury Model. I took this test twice and it came up the same both time. Both Montessori and Unschooling make a lot of sense to me!!

  16. Score for Waldorf Education: 15
    Score for Traditional Education: -21
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 23
    Score for Montessori Education: 17
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 10
    Score for Unschooling: 15
    Score for Classical Education: 3
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 15
    Definitely spot on for me — my kids are still young, so perhaps that plays into it, but being an ENFP also explains why my Traditional Education score was SO low… and why I struggled for the 4 years I taught in public school, because it never felt natural to me.

  17. We scored highest in unschooling, Montessori, with Charlotte Mason and Thomas Jefferson in 3rd place as they both received a score of 5.

  18. Your Results:

    Score for Waldorf Education: 11
    Score for Traditional Education: -3
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 9
    Score for Montessori Education: 15
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 0
    Score for Unschooling: 11
    Score for Classical Education: 0
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 11

    Don’t know what most of those are. But it would be interesting to have my hubby take the test too.

  19. Oh man, we’re all over the place 🤦‍♀️

    Score for Waldorf Education: 14
    Score for Traditional Education: 3
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 14
    Score for Montessori Education: 13
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: -3
    Score for Unschooling: 11
    Score for Classical Education: 8
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 14

  20. Score for Waldorf Education: 8
    Score for Traditional Education: -8
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 6
    Score for Montessori Education: 15
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 9
    Score for Unschooling: 6
    Score for Classical Education: 6
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 17

  21. Unit Studies-19, I wonder if project-based learning falls in the same category
    Montessori-17 This one surprised me. I couldn’t think of any questions related to this in the survey. Strangely I have had Montessori training.
    Classical Education-16

    I don’t think I incorporate Montessori learning in my homeschooling but maybe I do unconsciously because I took some Montessori Training classes years ago. I love project-based learning and perhaps that falls in the same category as Unit Study. Classical Education is probably what I got as a child in the favorite school I attended.
    I am dying to hear what curriculums or resources people use to see if they match. My favorite is Moving Beyond the Page. For Phonics Logic of English. But we also love Prodigy and Night Zookeeper. I like 4 Square writing to get kids started on writing skills. I loved the Well Trained Mind stuff but my younger kids with special needs are not ready for this level of work yet.

  22. Score for Waldorf Education: 13
    Score for Traditional Education: -23
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 16
    Score for Montessori Education: 23
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 8
    Score for Unschooling: 23
    Score for Classical Education: 16
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 15

    This definitely gives me something to think about. I’ll have to look more into Montessori, classical, and unit studies. Seems I have some reading to do. As for the traditional schooling, I’m not surprised. I pretty much hate everything that has to do with schools.

  23. Score for Waldorf Education: 6
    Score for Traditional Education: 11
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 15
    Score for Montessori Education: 11
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 0
    Score for Unschooling: 10
    Score for Classical Education: 6
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 15

  24. Score for Waldorf Education: 7
    Score for Traditional Education: -20
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 25
    Score for Montessori Education: 15
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 17
    Score for Unschooling: 25
    Score for Classical Education: -3
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 23

  25. Lol -16 for Traditional Education 😛

    Score for Waldorf Education: 3
    Score for Traditional Education: -16
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 3
    Score for Montessori Education: 14
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 6
    Score for Unschooling: 8
    Score for Classical Education: 6
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 13

  26. Score for Charlotte Mason: 18
    Score for Classical Education: 5
    Score for Montessori Education: 18
    Score for Project-Based Learning: 16
    Score for Reggio-Inspired:13
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 2
    Score for Traditional Education: -6
    Score for Unit Studies Approach: 6
    Score for Unschooling Approach: 18
    Score for Waldorf Education: 10

    My top 3:
    Charlotte Mason 18
    Montessori Education 18
    Unschooling Approach 18

    We unschool

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