What Kind of Homeschooler Are You?

What Kind of Homeschooler Are You? Quiz

What kind of homeschooler are you? Take this quiz to see which educational philosophies best match your homeschool.

This post is for the original quiz.  Click here if you would like to take an updated quiz with two additional philosophies included.

When you are done with the quiz, check out Homeschool Philosophies:  A Resource List to find out more about the different philosophies.

Great books from history and literature should be used in place of textbooks.

Children should spend plenty of time in nature and use natural materials in education.

I want to use curriculum similar to what is used in public or private schools.

Child-led learning is important.

Early elementary years should focus on exploring the world with no formal lessons.

The parent's most important job in education is to teach the child how to learn.

Short lessons with focused attention are better than big chunks of time.

Lessons that can be used with multiple ages and grades are best.

I prefer to purchase grade-level curriculum packages that are planned out for me.

Learning is more effective when the child is interested.

Discussions are a major part of learning.

Topical studies are a great way to learn.

Instruction should be language-based with little use of screens.

Incorporating many different subjects into one study is preferable.

Early childhood should emphasize creative play and formal learning should be avoided before age 7.

A child's passion for learning should drive their education.

Living books are a great tool for learning.

I desire my children to have a rigorous education.

Social responsibility and empathy are important in my children's education.

Learning ideas are more important than memorizing facts.

Living books, projects, and activities are preferable to textbooks, workbooks, and worksheets.

The parent's role is to facilitate the child's education and not to teach.

Parents should model a love for learning, a love for work, a curious nature, and read a lot.

Learning to write clearly and use elegant language is important.

Children will learn when they are ready.

Education should include practical activities like household chores or handcrafts.

Being able to transition into a public or private school classroom is important.

Education is the child's responsibility.

Latin and logic are important subjects.

Parents should study and read while the child studies and reads.

Self-expression through art, music, role-playing, and movement is an important part of education.

Children should have long periods of uninterrupted time for child-led study.

Avoiding screens for children who are elementary age or younger is important.

Having a teacher's guide is essential.

It is better to study a wide variety of subjects than to focus mainly on reading, writing, and math.

Our learning environment looks like a mini-classroom.

Learning how to learn is a priority.

Children should learn at their own pace.

Topical studies help children make connections between subjects.

Children should spend lots of time outside.

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595 thoughts on “What Kind of Homeschooler Are You?

  1. I was a classroom teacher for ten years. I’ve now been homeschooling for five years. I’m slowly breaking away from the classroom approach, but I still think it is very effective for certain subjects like Math, Reading, English and Spelling. I do not believe imitation through art really works for anything, but speaking skills and creativity. My writing abilities were severely hampered because I was never taught grammar. And Math is just something that you have to practice. I love other approaches for Science and History though.

    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 3
    Score for Traditional Education: 19
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 8
    Score for Montessori Education: 21
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 15
    Score for Unschooling: 7
    Score for Classical Education: 10

  2. Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20
    Score for Waldorf Education: 2
    Score for Traditional Education: 1
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 16
    Score for Montessori Education: 23
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: -3

    Score for Unschooling: 13
    Score for Classical Education: -6

  3. Montessori Education: 23
    Unschooling: 21
    Charlotte Mason Education: 20
    Montessori is the only method I have not researched. I now know how I will be spending my study time today.

  4. My top three were: Montessori-23, Waldorf-20 and Thomas Jefferson-15 tied with un-schooling. Funny to me, I don’t even know what philosophy Waldorf embraces. Not surprised by Montessori.

  5. Some of these I had never heard of, but a -19 for traditional Ed doesn’t surprise me – these are my scores:
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 20
    Score for Traditional Education: -19
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 13
    Score for Montessori Education: 25
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 21
    Score for Unschooling: 21
    Score for Classical Education: 13

  6. I’m surprised that my Waldorf (not a fan) and Montessori numbers are so high. FWIW I used to teach at a traditional private school. 🙂

    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 9
    Score for Traditional Education: -14
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 6
    Score for Montessori Education: 19
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 2
    Score for Unschooling: 2
    Score for Classical Education: 12

  7. Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20
    Score for Waldorf Education: 19
    Score for Traditional Education: -3
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 3
    Score for Montessori Education: 18
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 6
    Score for Unschooling: 16
    Score for Classical Education: 12

  8. Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20
    Score for Waldorf Education: 15
    Score for Traditional Education: -25
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 23
    Score for Montessori Education: 25
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 11
    Score for Unschooling: 17
    Score for Classical Education: -4

    We are eclectic unschoolers

  9. Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 3
    Score for Traditional Education: -5
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 11
    Score for Montessori Education: 6
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 6
    Score for Unschooling: 15
    Score for Classical Education: 6
    I’m just beginning but I think this is what we’ve been doing. Mostly unit study and u schooling with some classical education and some Montessori sprinkled in. I need to research Thomas Jefferson education but I’m sure we do that too. Lol. Thanks I needed the reinforcement.

  10. Waldorf, Charlotte Mason and Unit Studies were my top 3. No shocker that traditional Ed only got a score of 3.

  11. Classical was 0 for me and I had done that with my daughter for four years!!! I got the most on Waldorf Education and have never even heard of it! lol I’m checking that out. (I CHECKED IT OUT AND IT IS MY STYLE!!!) See below:
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 20
    Score for Traditional Education: 2
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 14
    Score for Montessori Education: 13
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 2
    Score for Unschooling: 12
    Score for Classical Education: -3

  12. My top three are Waldorf, Unschooling, and Charlotte Mason… With Traditional coming at the bottom with -21 lol

  13. Score for Unit Studies Education: 8
    Score for Montessori Education: 9
    Score for Unschooling: 14
    Score for Classical Education: 16

  14. My scores were:
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 15
    Score for Traditional Education: -5
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 16
    Score for Montessori Education: 19
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 8
    Score for Unschooling: 10
    Score for Classical Education: 9

  15. I have to look up classical and Montessori to know what it is! Here are my scores. We focus on reading, writing and extensive math with lots of good books and trade learning.

    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 10
    Score for Traditional Education: -13
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 14
    Score for Montessori Education: 12
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 0
    Score for Unschooling: 0
    Score for Classical Education: 18

  16. Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 8
    Score for Traditional Education: -14
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 13
    Score for Montessori Education: 14
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 4
    Score for Unschooling: 8
    Score for Classical Education: 11

  17. I had to list my top 4, since the 3rd anf 4th are so close. Unfortunately, my boys didn’t take to Charlotte Mason and they were too old when we started for the Waldorf group near us.
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20
    Score for Waldorf Education: 25
    Score for Montessori Education: 25
    Score for Classical Education: 21

  18. Montessori – 14
    Unschooling – 13
    Waldorf – 8
    Traditional schooling – negative 13
    I would have to say that seems to fit – we do lots of projects and introduce her to whole ideas as she seems ready for them. Our house is full of educational stuff but it looks more like an over crowded college professor’s office than an elementary school classroom per se. We hardly ever sit down at a desk and do anything on worksheets – but we do enforce 4 hours a day, and there are occasional tests or proof of ability tasks she needs to ‘pass’ to get to do some extra activities. And she gets to work at her own pace, learn practical skills as well as traditional ones, and use some experiences as part of her school time – ie forest walks, documentary movies, fishing, building a flower box planter etc…

  19. I got Classical, unit studies and Montessori. So what is the difference between classical and traditional? I got negative in traditional. I’ve never done anything but a boxed curriculum, but my approach is not rigid.

  20. Montessori & Thomas Jefferson tied w/ 23pts. Unschooling scored next @ 15.

    We use A.C.E. with a large chunk of ‘life school’ thrown in. Church, Music & Dance lessons, Chores, Reading, Play dates with Grands and lots of Family time!

  21. I consider us Waldorf (obviously) with a respect for Montessori, I really don’t know much about T.J. but My third highest score was an 8 so apparently Waldorf and Montessori are really my top two.
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 25
    Score for Traditional Education: -5
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 4
    Score for Montessori Education: 15
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 8

    Score for Unschooling: 6
    Score for Classical Education: 7

  22. I’d call us eclectic, just because we mix and match what works best per child instead of focusing on what I prefer. I don’t subscribe to any of these really, but I definitely don’t aim to duplicate a classroom at home in spite of a degree in education.
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 13
    Score for Traditional Education: -10
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 9
    Score for Montessori Education: 19
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 12
    Score for Unschooling: 17
    Score for Classical Education: 0

  23. My top two tied: Unit studies (which I used a lot) and Montessori, both 21; then Charlotte Mason, 20; then Unschooling, 19. I don’t know the philosophy of Charlotte Mason or Montessori, but I kind of do agree with unschooling. I got a negative score on traditional school.

  24. Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 20
    Score for Traditional Education: -10
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 11
    Score for Montessori Education: 16
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 8
    Score for Unschooling: 7
    Score for Classical Education: 13

  25. Ok…I KNEW I Hated Public school, but not how much…haha… I knew that books like Gregg Harris’ The Christian Home School which taught me delight directed education, Susan Schaffer MacCauley’s For the Children’s Sake that taught be Charlotte Mason and Encouragement Along the Way a Homeschooling Devotional taught me that with God I could actually do this and do it to His Glory….And know with these results…I see I learned my lessons well.
    My results…
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20
    Score for Waldorf Education: 25
    Score for Traditional Education: -25
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 25
    Score for Montessori Education: 23
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 10
    Score for Unschooling: 25
    Score for Classical Education: 5

  26. Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20
    Score for Waldorf Education: 11
    Score for Traditional Education: -8
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 15
    Score for Montessori Education: 16
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: -3
    Score for Unschooling: 7
    Score for Classical Education: 12

    (I’ve homeschooled for the past 20 years, graduating my last this year. We’re fairly eclectic.)

  27. Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20 
    Score for Waldorf Education: 6 
    Score for Traditional Education: -11 
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 9 
    Score for Montessori Education: 12 
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: -10 
    Score for Unschooling: 11 
    Score for Classical Education: -8 

    I knew Classical Conversations wasn’t a good fit. -8 wow! That’s definitely not a good option for us. Wish I had taken this before, saving time and $.

  28. Montessori Education: 19
    Waldorf Education: 18
    Thomas Jefferson Education: 18
    Unschooling: 18

    Sounds good to me 🙂

  29. Score for Waldorf Education: 25
    Score for Montessori Education: 21
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20
    Score for Unschooling: 19

  30. Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20
    Score for Waldorf Education: 8
    Score for Traditional Education: -13
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 15
    Score for Montessori Education: 19
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 6
    Score for Unschooling: 16
    Score for Classical Education: 15

    I think I need to look into what Montessori is! I really have no idea! I had thought I was pretty Charlotte Mason and Unschooling and Unit Studies.

  31. Surprised Montessori was on ours… I really don’t like that style at all!

    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 8
    Score for Traditional Education: -6
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 19
    Score for Montessori Education: 10
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: -2
    Score for Unschooling: 4
    Score for Classical Education: -1

  32. Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20
    Score for Montessori Education: 18
    Score for Classical Education: 16

    I find these results a bit skewed, given that we primarily follow the Classical education model, but I guess it is quite likely that what I believe and how it works out in real life very well may be different. 🙂

  33. Fun!
    Charlotte Mason, Unit Studies, and Montessori were my top three. A bit surprised Charlotte Mason is higher than Montessori. I worked at a Montessori Children’s house for 5 years, working with Preschoolers, Toddlers and Infants. Not surprised about the unit studies though.
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20
    Score for Waldorf Education: 0
    Score for Traditional Education: -8
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 16
    Score for Montessori Education: 14
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: -3
    Score for Unschooling: 10
    Score for Classical Education: 6

  34. Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 0
    Score for Waldorf Education: 10
    Score for Traditional Education: -18
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 19
    Score for Montessori Education: 19
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 13
    Score for Unschooling: 18
    Score for Classical Education: 6

    Apparently, I have something against traditional schooling…who knew?

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