Muffin Baking Competition Please Vote for Your Favorite!

We spent the morning in the kitchen today. Each of my kids took a turn making their chosen muffin recipe. The muffins are judged on their taste and their appearance. They chose their best looking muffin and I’ve taken pictures of them to share here. Please vote for the best looking muffin at the bottom of this post. Votes will be tallied and a winner will be declared for the appearance portion of the contest on May 13th. For all of the recipes I helped as necessary and gave my 6 year old the most assistance.

Please have a look at the pictures of the muffins and vote for the best looking muffin at the poll at the end of this post.

1.  Pretzel Chocolate Chip Muffin with Pretzel Streusel Topping


2.  Chocolate Surprise Muffins (Chocolate chips hidden in the middle)


3.  Banana Chocolate Chip Coconut Muffin

3 thoughts on “Muffin Baking Competition Please Vote for Your Favorite!

  1. Ok, if you’ll be posting these delicious pictures will you be sharing the recipes too? They all look fantastic but I would LOVE the pretzel muffin recipe!

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