What Kind of Homeschooler Are You?

What Kind of Homeschooler Are You? Quiz

What kind of homeschooler are you? Take this quiz to see which educational philosophies best match your homeschool.

This post is for the original quiz. ย Click here if you would like to take an updated quiz with two additional philosophies included.

When you are done with the quiz, check out Homeschool Philosophies: ย A Resource List to find out more about the different philosophies.

Great books from history and literature should be used in place of textbooks.

Children should spend plenty of time in nature and use natural materials in education.

I want to use curriculum similar to what is used in public or private schools.

Child-led learning is important.

Early elementary years should focus on exploring the world with no formal lessons.

The parent's most important job in education is to teach the child how to learn.

Short lessons with focused attention are better than big chunks of time.

Lessons that can be used with multiple ages and grades are best.

I prefer to purchase grade-level curriculum packages that are planned out for me.

Learning is more effective when the child is interested.

Discussions are a major part of learning.

Topical studies are a great way to learn.

Instruction should be language-based with little use of screens.

Incorporating many different subjects into one study is preferable.

Early childhood should emphasize creative play and formal learning should be avoided before age 7.

A child's passion for learning should drive their education.

Living books are a great tool for learning.

I desire my children to have a rigorous education.

Social responsibility and empathy are important in my children's education.

Learning ideas are more important than memorizing facts.

Living books, projects, and activities are preferable to textbooks, workbooks, and worksheets.

The parent's role is to facilitate the child's education and not to teach.

Parents should model a love for learning, a love for work, a curious nature, and read a lot.

Learning to write clearly and use elegant language is important.

Children will learn when they are ready.

Education should include practical activities like household chores or handcrafts.

Being able to transition into a public or private school classroom is important.

Education is the child's responsibility.

Latin and logic are important subjects.

Parents should study and read while the child studies and reads.

Self-expression through art, music, role-playing, and movement is an important part of education.

Children should have long periods of uninterrupted time for child-led study.

Avoiding screens for children who are elementary age or younger is important.

Having a teacher's guide is essential.

It is better to study a wide variety of subjects than to focus mainly on reading, writing, and math.

Our learning environment looks like a mini-classroom.

Learning how to learn is a priority.

Children should learn at their own pace.

Topical studies help children make connections between subjects.

Children should spend lots of time outside.

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595 thoughts on “What Kind of Homeschooler Are You?

  1. My top 3 (4):
    Score for Montessori Education: 15
    Score for Unschooling: 10
    Score for Classical Education: 16
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 11

    i used 4 because Montessori & classical were too close as was unschooling & CM.

    I’m surprised at the unschooling. If you’d ask me if that was my philosophy i’d say “no way”. I guess i teach classical in an unschooled atmosphere. He’s 5, i’m not giving him charge of his education (except he loves science & astronomy so i do more with that). I do look forward to i can tailor his education to his desires and function more as a facilitator.

    not surprising i have a -25 for traditional, even though i was a “traditional” teacher. i couldn’t conform. Just don’t get me started on the state of education in this country.

  2. Score for Waldorf Education: 8
    Score for Traditional Education: 6
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 9
    Score for Montessori Education: 18
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 2
    Score for Unschooling: 10
    Score for Classical Education: 11
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 13

  3. My top is unschooling, followed by Montessori and Charlotte Mason.

    Although this matches my philosophy spot on, it doesn’t look likr this in practical terms! With a large family, it is hard to really unschool well. So we do formal math and LA, do lots of reading aloud, join co-ops to enjoy some diversity from other parents, and try to encourage interest-led learning as much as possible. My oldest does more structured subjects because she wants to. My boys, well they’re happy to rush through their required daily work then move on to lots of free play๐Ÿ˜Š I would say we are truly eclectic in our style!

  4. Score for Waldorf Education: 8
    Score for Traditional Education: -10
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 8
    Score for Montessori Education: 19
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 0
    Score for Unschooling: 13
    Score for Classical Education: 0
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 13

  5. Basically, it is as I expected with Unschooling and Montessori. Now I need to learn more about the TJE model.

    Score for Unschooling: 21
    Score for Montessori Education: 14
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 11
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 9
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 9
    Score for Waldorf Education: 6
    Score for Classical Education: -2
    Score for Traditional Education: -19

  6. my top three results were:
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 12
    Score for Unschooling: 14
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 23
    Now to figure out how to integrate them all! Though I wonder if this quiz is asking my teaching style… if it is not my child’s learning style… then what? I just have a preschooler and a baby ATM hoping that I can figure out a direction before we have to do some real work.

  7. Thank you!
    Score for Montessori Education: 23
    Score for Unschooling: 25
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 25

  8. Score for Waldorf Education: 6
    Score for Traditional Education: -10
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 12
    Score for Montessori Education: 20
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 13
    Score for Unschooling: 20
    Score for Classical Education: 8
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 21

    Thank you! Time to do some research ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Montessori, Classical and Charlotte Mason were my top three. I need to read up on Montessori a bit more but definitely knew Classical and Charlotte Mason already.

  10. These are my top 5. I have always taught my kids in an eclectic style,but this is neat to know.
    Score for Waldorf Education: 2
    Score for Traditional Education: -3
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 16
    Score for Montessori Education: 20
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 21

  11. Score for Waldorf Education: 8
    Score for Traditional Education: 3
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 17
    Score for Montessori Education: 16
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 2
    Score for Unschooling: 11
    Score for Classical Education: 12
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 14

  12. Your Results:

    Score for Waldorf Education: 3
    Score for Traditional Education: -2
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 6
    Score for Montessori Education: 21
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 13
    Score for Unschooling: 21
    Score for Classical Education: -6
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 5

  13. Score for Waldorf Education: 0
    Score for Traditional Education: -16
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 12
    Score for Montessori Education: 21
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 5
    Score for Unschooling: 9
    Score for Classical Education: 3
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 19

    Getting a negative score for traditional comes as no surprise. I haven’t really managed to figure out what Charlotte Mason Education is about. Montessori and Unit Studies definitely appeal. Unschooling is what I had, but I was homeschooled for high school, and the idea of unschooling a kid who can’t read yet scares me.

  14. Score for Waldorf Education: 7
    Score for Traditional Education: -3
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 11
    Score for Montessori Education: 19
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 8
    Score for Unschooling: 17
    Score for Classical Education: 8
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 14

  15. Thank you for the quiz. I now need to go away and do some reading to understand my scores and work out whaat it really means for us as a family. Really helpful to focus my mind. We are at the start of our home school journey.

    Score for Waldorf Education: 13
    Score for Traditional Education: 9
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 16
    Score for Montessori Education: 14
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 4
    Score for Unschooling: 8
    Score for Classical Education: 3
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 14

  16. Your Results:

    Score for Waldorf Education: 15
    Score for Traditional Education: -14
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 23
    Score for Montessori Education: 25
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 21
    Score for Unschooling: 20
    Score for Classical Education: 11
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 20

  17. Score for Waldorf Education: 9
    Score for Traditional Education: 3
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 13
    Score for Montessori Education: 15
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 15
    Score for Unschooling: 23
    Score for Classical Education: 6
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 16
    Would not have thought this!!๐Ÿ˜Š

  18. The funniest part for me was that I was negative 23 for traditional schooling. I am a former teacher, but one who has always espoused alternative education ideas while shunning “the system.” ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Score for Waldorf Education: 7
    Score for Traditional Education: 11
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 6
    Score for Montessori Education: 13
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 5
    Score for Unschooling: 9
    Score for Classical Education: 13
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 10

  20. I am just beginning to research homeschooling but this definitely does show that I’m not a fan of traditional education! And it gives me a good idea of where to start my research! Thanks for the quiz! And for your blog! I’ve been reading a lot of your posts and they have been really helpful!

    My Results:

    Score for Waldorf Education: 8
    Score for Traditional Education: -3
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 9
    Score for Montessori Education: 12
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 15
    Score for Unschooling: 13
    Score for Classical Education: 0
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 12

  21. Mine….very arcuate for me! Happy with the results!
    Score for Waldorf Education: 20
    Score for Traditional Education: -25
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 17
    Score for Montessori Education: 13
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 13
    Score for Unschooling: 8
    Score for Classical Education: 16
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 25

  22. Your Results:

    Score for Waldorf Education: 13
    Score for Traditional Education: 3
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 14
    Score for Montessori Education: 14
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 11
    Score for Unschooling: 17
    Score for Classical Education: 12
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 9

    I’d say we’re pretty eclectic around here…

  23. Score for Waldorf Education: 6
    Score for Traditional Education: -17
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 5
    Score for Montessori Education: 21
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 10
    Score for Unschooling: 13
    Score for Classical Education: 12
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 23

  24. WoW, I received:
    Score for Traditional Education: -5
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 12
    Score for Montessori Education: 21
    Score for Classical Education: 17

    I have always adored Montessori education and run a pretty strict classical education homeschool . I’m not as familiar with the unit studies education model but I will look into it seeing as it fits with My Philosophy quite nicely. I also have no idea the traditional education model would score in the negative range. Thank you this was a great opportunity to learn about my homeschool teaching Style and philosophy ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. My top 3 were Unit Studies, Charlotte Mason and Waldorf. We use unit studies (ones I create and from a variety of sources) for my second grade twins. We also do a lot of nature study.

  26. core for Waldorf Education: -2
    Score for Traditional Education: -3
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 11
    Score for Montessori Education: 16
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 8
    Score for Unschooling: 6
    Score for Classical Education: 0
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 12

  27. Score for Unschooling: 19
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 16
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 16

    I am brand new to all of this (been seriously considering homeschooling for the past two weeks) so I have no idea how to apply these, but I think learning towards which philosophies I lean now, green as I am, will help me to get a better idea of which way to go. There is SO MUCH material out there on homeschooling! It’s overwhelming!

  28. This quiz did not reflect my homeschooling accurately except for the top score.
    Waldorf: 11

    I am really not at all a fan of child led studies, I answered “strongly disagree” nor do I think that I am an “observer” or “guide”of my child’s education. Weird. I think perhaps, it’s because I believe strongly in free play, little screen time, and children learning at their own pace.

  29. Many of the links on our site are affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, we receive a small amount that helps our family be able to homeschool. Thank you for your support!

    eclectic homeschooling What Kind of Homeschooler Are You?
    What Kind of Homeschooler Are You?
    Eclectic Homeschooling April 13, 2015eclectic homeschooling, quiz

    What Kind of Homeschooler Are You? Quiz

    What kind of homeschooler are you? Take this quiz to see which educational philosophies best match your homeschool.

    This quiz has just been updated. The previous quiz had an error in tabulating the Charlotte Mason total. Also, we have updated some of the Waldorf and Traditional (School at Home) questions to better reflect those approaches.

    When you are done with the quiz, check out Homeschool Philosophies: A Resource List to find out more about the different philosophies.

    Homeschool Curriculum Reviews
    Your Results:

    Score for Waldorf Education: 15
    Score for Traditional Education: -11
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 15
    Score for Montessori Education: 20
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 15
    Score for Unschooling: 20
    Score for Classical Education: 5
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 25

  30. Score for Waldorf Education: 3
    Score for Traditional Education: 0
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 3
    Score for Montessori Education: 13
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: -2
    Score for Unschooling: -3
    Score for Classical Education: 6
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 15

  31. Score for Waldorf Education: 6
    Score for Traditional Education: -25
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 14
    Score for Montessori Education: 15
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 11
    Score for Unschooling: 19
    Score for Classical Education: 3
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 15

  32. Score for Waldorf Education: 0
    Score for Traditional Education: -16
    Score for Unit Studies Education: 1
    Score for Montessori Education: 13
    Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 11
    Score for Unschooling: 13
    Score for Classical Education: -3
    Score for Charlotte Mason Education: 14

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